One would think all I have done during this quarantine is sew. One would be wrong. I eat and I sew. Eat, sew, repeat. It's Groundhog Day meets Big Night with an occasional trip to the bathroom. Seriously, things are not great around here, I am finding myself making almost daily trips to Home Depot. HOME DEPOT! That's how low I've sunk! Home Depot via Taco Time or Wendy's or Dairy Queen!!! It would be so wrong not to support our local restaurants - I'm gastronomically philanthropic that way!
So this is Corona quilt #6. The Fashionista said it looks like the virus because of all the different colors/fabrics and she suggested I call this my virus quilt. What do you think? It definitely is a jumble of color and I'm not sure everything works together but I like it. It reflects the last month around here! It's also what I had in the stash, not being able to visit a fabric shop probably saved me $$$ so it is what it is.
I'm not going to put a border on this, just going to finish it as is. I am liking "borderless" quilts these days, not having the pattern framed is kind of nice, plus it's faster! I loved making this star because I didn't have to worry about points - you can find the pattern for this at Cluck Cluck Sew, (thanks to Helen for telling me about it!)
Now I have six quilt tops sitting in my "to do" pile. This is what happens when I clean my workroom, I find things to finish, empty out the pile and then spend my time filling it back up! I finally received the batting I ordered so I could get started quilting my new pile of tops only to discover I didn't have enough backing for all of them. There's always a fly in the ointment!
Lest you think I am totally selfish (maybe 95%) I have been sewing face masks. I'm up to about 300 of them so far and I think the ones pictured above will be my very LAST ones! I made masks for family, friends and neighbors, the local Safeway and then sewed kits supplied by two local hospitals - it's been fun but now I'm done. The girls I'm now working with in our church, aged 11 to 14, are the best in the world and we are having a Zoom meeting this week to play games. We thought it would be fun to give them some masks to wear during our time together so I sewed up some fabric masks for them and we put them together with facial masks and dropped them off. I think it will be funny and we are all in need of some of that right now.
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