Max LOVES Mickey videos, totes around the DVD box, wears Mickey Mouse shirts...and he is going to have a Mickey Mouse birthday party! Since the girl and Max are going to meet us in Disneyland three days after Max's actual birthday, we will not be attending his party :(((( But we'll be there in spirit...and I've already been in party-mode making a few things for the hoopla: 
When the girl mentioned she wanted a Mickey tablecloth I told her I could whip one up...I had something else entirely in mind until I found this Mickey fabric...I added the rick-rack, and the red border and sewed on some Mickey silhouettes...presto-chango-just-like-that, she's got a tablecloth! Cute, no?

Of course, no party these days would be complete without a banner! I made the two Mickey faces before I lost interest and ran out of time...but they are easy to do with any photo...print out a picture on your computer, then cut the picture apart...cut out the mouth, cut out the eyes, etc., out of felt. Then you put the picture back together, using glue to hold the pieces in place or you sew it down. If you used the same color of felt, like I did for the eyes, you then draw on the details with a Sharpie. It's Puzzle-making 101.
The girl also mentioned she wanted to make some of Bakerella's Mickey Mouse Cake Pops...but didn't know if she'd have the I volunteered for that duty as well. I had my very first cake pop last week at a bridal shower and it was surprisingly good! I visited Bakerella, got the recipe, read the tutuorial and went to work...and make no mistake, it IS work! I was surprised at how difficult a time I had...I mean, Bakerella, who I'd like to be in my next life, has created this amazing treat...but she failed to mention that you cannot have more than TWO thumbs to make 'em!
IF you have a day to kill and you can't be talked out of making Cake Pops - then you need to know a few things that Bakerella failed to mention:
1. The pops have to be REALLY, REALLY COLD before you dip them or they will just melt!
2. You need a REALLY BIG piece of styrofoam to put the pops in while you work on 24-inch by 24-inch! I'm not kidding! If you buy a little piece of styrofoam you won't have room to stick them in and when you go to dip them you'll bump them with your hands and create yet ANOTHER mess!
3. Making Cake Pops with attachments, i.e., ears, noses, etc., is a labor-intensive plan your time accordingly.
4. I used white cake mix and white frosting - Bakerella said to use 3/4 of a can of purchased frosting...and since I always do what I'm told I used that crap frosting and 3/4 of it...but it was WAY too much...the inside of my cake pops are mushy/gluey/gruel-like...not very appetizing! They do taste good but for me the texture is not at all like IF I was out of my mind, or IF someone gave me a million dollars in cash, then the next time I make Cake Pops I would use less frosting than Bakerella suggests. And finally...
4. Starbucks sells cake pops for $1.50 yourself the time, trouble and $$$ and just buy the dang things! Godfrey! 
Lastly, I made Max a new shirt...I found the Pluto shirt at Target (I love Target!) but I had this Iron-on Mickey applique so I purchased him another shirt and sewed it on - (If you just iron on the iron-on patch it just comes off in the wash.) So I think he's all set for his party - can't wait to see the pics of his happy little face! Three days after his party he's going to Disneyland...he's primed and ready for fun!!!
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