Late one night I discovered She Brews - a wonderful blog filled with all sorts of good things - and that's where I found these drawer sachets...She Brews made these sachets and even posted a tutorial - so THANK YOU! (Be sure to take some time to look around her blog - she makes darling things!) Since my daughter will be celebrating Mother's Day for the first time this year, I thought I would send her a little something...she loves blue and yellow - yet, curiously, she doesn't have those colors anywhere in her home...but now she can have them in her drawers.
I ordered a pound of Lavender from Purple Haze Lavender in Sequim, Washington (pronounced SQUIM) - a little town in the Dungeness Valley of the Olympic Peninsula - the banana belt of Washington where they actually have more sun than rain! When I reached for the package on my front porch I could already smell the lavender - and it was wonderful! I LOVE the smell of lavender! Reminds me of France and summer...and summer in France!
I used half a pound filling the 4 sachets for my daughter and then filled three more sachets...I've got a half of pound left so I'll be making more sachets or maybe I'll just leave some sitting out in a bowl to enjoy.
I hope my daughter likes lavender...Lyndsey if you don't like the smell of these then SEND THEM BACK!!
Max, my perfect grandson, has a nursery done with Sock Monkeys so I know my daughter will love these slippers - and so will Max!
You just can't believe how wonderful my workroom smells...
I know it smells good when Caesar Beezer The Wonder Dog won't come it - he's fond of poop-aroma so lavender holds no appeal for him.
Back to work...
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