Every now and then my quilting friends would complain about the amount of food posts I would have compared to quilting posts. (It's a lot faster to make something to eat than a quilt!) Now my foodie friends are complaining about how many quilting posts I've done and have asked if I've stopped eating altogether! I do stop eating, I take a break every 3 hours or so. Feel free to send me your thoughts, too, and good news, the comment button has been fixed. (Apparently there was some bug in the system and I had no idea why you all stopped sending me messages. Thanks to Katie for letting me know and to Typepad who got it fixed.)
I didn't think I had another scrap quilt in me but then I didn't think I would be hooked on Korean soaps either...so to keep myself from just sitting and watching, I decided to make another scrap quilt. Sewing and watching is a good thing, I'm productive, not lazy, right? I watched the following shows while making this quilt: Record of Youth, Dear My Friends, Let's Eat 2, and Goodbye My Wife. All SO good.
This quilt took me longer to make than the last scrap quilt because of the show Let's Eat 2. There were SO many food segments that I had to keep stopping to run to the kitchen, it made me hungry! But not hungry enough for Korean food, my tastes buds couldn't handle dried pollack and seaweed soup. This quilt was 2 weeks start to finish, it's not huge, 50-inches by 70-inches, so it was manageable, but still that's a record for me. I usually never work on just one quilt start to finish, I almost feel guilty for doing it because it felt like I was breaking one of the laws of quilting! (Quilting Law #7: Thou shalt always have more than 3 projects in the works at one time. Quilt Law #8: Thou must work on various projects every now and then to keep from forgetting what you're doing. Quilt Law #9: Never work on one project for more than 2 hours at a time to keep from straining your neck, eyes and brain.)
The scraps were sewn to a muslin foundation so this quilt is a bit heavier than most and I backed it with flannel so it's warm. I also used 100% cotton batting instead of my normal choice, Hobbs Heirloom 80/20. I love how this one turned out, it's my new fav!
Yesterday while talking with my mom on the phone she told me I need to sell my quilts, said I have way too many. How can one possibly have too many quilts?!? It's a COLLECTION, not an obsession! Oh wait, maybe it is an obsession but not one I'm ever going to seek a cure for. Thanks mom for the advice, but as long as I have fabric, I'll be making quilts!