While online this morning I saw pictures of friends playing in the sun, lounging by a lake, reading poolside, all out enjoying summer where they live. I'm enjoying summer too! I put on socks and shoes, long jeans and a nice cotton sweater that wasn't too thick to go under my jacket that I put on to take Rosie for a walk around the park. We got rained on, came home wet and shivering so Rosie took to her bed and I made myself hot chocolate and decided to warm up by showing you more pictures of quilts! Summer in Seattle is not for everyone, but while I'm used to the rain I am hoping for some sunny days soon! Meanwhile, let me show you the rest of the quilts from my last quilt group meeting:
I think Kareena made this quilt for a friend's baby boy - can you just imagine how her friend will be when she opens her gift and finds this?? We all ooohed and aaahed over this one, it's clever and fun and so cute!
This darling baby quilt was made by Kareena, too. She said she was using up her pink scraps and still had enough left to make several more quilts! This one is pretty sweet, I hope Kareena saves this quilt until she gets a granddaughter!
This beautiful bunny quilt was made by Jenny. There are a few personal touches on this quilt that make this so much more wonderful. Click on this to enlarge so you can see the details, like the bunny in the wagon holding the banner and the bunny in the bottom right corner - Jenny managed to get this top done while redoing a house to sell - she's somewhat of a miracle worker.
Stephanie is not only an artist, she is an amazing fund-raiser for cancer. Every year she and her husband participate in the Obliteride bike ride for Cancer and last year Stephanie made quilts as a thank you for those who donated money for her ride and she is doing the same this year! This is one of those thank you quilts. Stephanie has 11 thank you quilts to give to donors this year for a donation of $250, all of which goes to fighting cancer. If you'd like more information on how to buy a beautiful quilt for yourself and help fight cancer at the same time, send me message and I'll put you in touch with her!
Stephanie bought this panel at Value Village and added all of the borders to make this into a dang cute Halloween quilt and get this, the skeleton even GLOWS in the dark!!! How fun is that! This is an Obliteride quilt, too!
Stephanie has been spending a lot of time sewing her scraps together - she's not sure what she's going to do with all of these little blocks but I think we all know it will be something spectacular!
This quilt top, with the light behind it, looks like stained glass, yes? This top will make the most wonderful quilt, I love the stars and those center blocks with all of those tiny scraps, Stephanie is a genius!
How cool is this?!? That black and white stripe fabric just sets these fabrics off in such an interesting way. Stephanie made this one, it's modern yet warm and surely will be loved! I think this will be an obliteride quilt, too.
Stephanie made this quilt, I'm sure you could have guessed. Terry quilted it for her with a grid pattern and it's so wonderful. Just look at all of those tiny pieces! They make my head hurt but in a good way! I think this was a commission quilt Stephanie made for someone and it will be hung up on a wall so this beautiful piece of art can be enjoyed in a big way!
Janet made this bear quilt top, and she said it was a difficult pattern. I loved this so much that I asked if I could borrow her pattern and she was happy to lend it to me but told me again how hard it was...looking at all of those curved seams and applique, I'm sure it will cause me to pull my hair out but I can just picture this quilt in our family room, being used and loved - call me crazy but that's how I decide to make a quilt! If I can see it in my home or in someone's home that I love, then I'll make it - or a reasonable facsimile thereof! I'm not sure I'll follow the pattern as written (I never do that because I really can't read patterns) but I hope to be able to capture the essence of this quilt for my family! Thanks Janet, I love this!
Janet made this top, too, according to her she's "into animals" lately! Maybe it's because she has a new grandson? Whatever the reason, this one is sure darling and those raccoons aren't a panel, they are appliqued!
Sorry this one is blurry - look how many pieces this raccoon has! The raccoon would also make a cute pillow for a Grandma's reading nook...surely all of you grandma's have one of those? Nook, big over-stuffed chair, lots of books, that will get you a gold star in the grandma department!
Barbara has been busy during quarantine, like the rest of us, finishing up older projects. This quilt reminds me of cherry 7-Up or raspberry lemonade! It's happy! I love the scrapiness of this quilt which also gives it a vintage feel. Way to go Barbara!
Barbara also made this clam shell quilt. She said it was easy but c'mon, we all know circles are NOT easy! I love the fabrics, foxes, birds and horses playing in the clams. I think we can all thank Covid for giving us more time to quilt, almost everyone at our quilt group had a quilt or two or three to share. Barbara managed to finish up 4 quilts during the last 4 months!
I've seen this quilt a few times before and each time I see it I tell myself I want to make one for me! I love this - love the hats and the 3 pumpkins, reminds me of the nursery rhyme about the pumpkins sitting on the fence. Barbara this one is fab and I know your grandkids will fight over it come Halloween!
This is the back of Barbara's Witch's hat quilt. It's a panel that Barbara bordered to make the backing and it's perfect!
I hope you enjoyed all of these beautiful quilts. I know I left our meeting feeling very inspired and motivated to get a few more things finished - if only I could pull myself away from the Korean soap operas long enough! Happy quilting everyone and wear your mask!