It's raining outside, cold and windy or as Mr. Rogers would say, a beautiful day in the neighborhood. So I'm hunkered down in the nerve center, my workroom, wearing my work clothes...sweat pants, sweater, wool socks and my hair is nicely pinned up on my head so as to prevent any extra arm movements to replace an escaped lock and now I'm ready to show you the latest and greatest quilts from our last quilt group meeting!

This beauty was started over 25 years ago. Marsha hand-pieced every little hexagon - sitting in doctor's offices, watching kids play soccer...wherever she went while raising her kids she carried her little bag of hexies and worked on them. A while back Marsha began to think her quilt would never be finished so she gave the hexies to her sister Shelly and told her she could have them. Shelly, who should win the Sister of the Year Award, not only finished the quilt, but she gave it back to Marsha. Take a moment to dab the tear from your eye...truly was a self-less act of quilting love that was! The binding, or lack of it, was hand-turned and hand-stitched by is perfect. (Toe belongs to Kareena...very artsy of me to include it, no?)

And check out that quilting! It's just beautiful! I started a Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt years ago...I made about 25 hexies before I didn't have enough of anything to finish them...time and patience were on short supply back then. I still have my hexies, can't bring myself to give them away because you just never know...I might find the time one day...doubtful I'll find the patience but stranger things have happened! Way to go Marsha and Shelly, I love this quilt!

This very fun, bright, happy quilt belongs to Marsha's sister, Shelly. I think she brought it for Terry to quilt - and also for us to see. It is perfectly pieced, with everything lining up just right. I do notice things like that because it's rare when one of my quilts does that...actually it's more of an accident - perfect is over-rated when it comes to my quilts and I always remind myself it's better to have a finished quilt than a perfect one!

Pinwheels and stars - simple blocks that make for a stunning quilt. Oh how I love this one! This is another one of Shelly's quilts. I love everything about this, especially the colors. This is a big quilt, too, and I wrote down it's a Moda pattern but that could be wrong, anybody know?

Helen finished her gray and pink quilt and I'm so glad she brought it to show - look at her backing fabric! Helen's talents are many but I think one of her greatest is her use of color - she just sees color differently, as in she must have Kaffe-colored glasses...or maybe it's how she can take a simple block and create a complicated-looking quilt? Love this!

This is one of Helen's WIP...I think it's fascinating that she has sewn the blocks together and hasn't decided if a) the quilt is finished or b) if she's going to make it larger. And that was redundant. Oh well, so am I. I don't ever sew anything together until I'm sure I'm finished with making blocks because block placement is HUGE for me...I might have to put a wonky-shaped block or a block where I've sewn it badly and maybe the selvedge shows, on the outer edge of the quilt so it won't show as much, things like that! Just so you know, I would never un-sew a block. Who has time for that?!? Whatever Helen decides, I have no doubt this Dresden Plate quilt will be fabulous!

Helen brought one of her cute little fabric books for us to see - we've seen it before but it was so fun to see again. A little book like this is makes such a great baby gift. Every new mom should have a stack of these in her diaper bag! Simple and quick to make, with or without added stitching - but added stitching, like the little spider and the cat's button eyes make it so fun!

I didn't take pictures of all the pages - some Helen had appliqued, but some were just fabric cut-outs. All of the pages were sewn with scraps. These books can be made for any holiday and personalized for each child...I mean, if you want to earn big brownie points with the mom! And the book is washable! The "boo!" is the back of the very cute!

It's always so fun to visit Terry's home right before Halloween...her artistic touches are everywhere. I love how she includes her Halloween pillows in with the "regular" stuff...a nice little surprise for the eyes.

Speaking of surprises for the eyes...Terry and her grandson giggled themselves sick over the placement of the little dog - with his back leg up - in her bathroom. C'mon now, you have to admit that's pretty funny, especially for a 6 year old or someone like me with a 6 year old's sense of humor! Also...check out that pumpkin - I have severe velvet-pumpkin-envy but more on that in a bit.

On first glance this might just look like big fabric pieces sewn together...but let me school you a bit...this is MINKY and if you've ever worked with minky, ever tried to sew just a tiny bit of it, then you know what a Herculean task it is to sew big pieces of Minky together and have them turn out straight! Barbara made this very sweet and soft minky quilt for her nephew's new baby girl. If they knew how much work this quilt was they would frame it behind glass and save it for the eternities!

Barbara went and did it. Yes, she really did. She made this amazing Halloween quilt and the minute I saw it I had this conversation in my head:
Me: I need a quilt like this!
Me: You don't need another Halloween quilt.
Me: Yes, Yes I do! I need this quilt, then I'll have just the right amount of Halloween quilts.
Me: You are crazy to even think you have time to do this!
Me: I do have time, I need this quilt, I'll find the time, I really need this!
Me: No! No! No! Absolutely not. Okay fine.

Stephanie went to a flea-market of sorts in Seattle, " 2nd Use Shop" is what I wrote down and she found this great little bag made from old wool with simple embroidery. It's hefty and when I felt it I knew why she bought it - it's just Stephanie who always seems to know when and where the best junk-sales are. In my next life I'm going to be her.

Stephanie made a quilt top for a friend and as a thank you, her friend sent her this piece of fabric. We talked about what she could do with it and in my humble opinion I think she should just back it and make it a whole cloth quilt - it's pretty cool fabric! Now that I see this picture though, I see JAWS...anyone else see it? Cue the music...dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun...That just means that if it were my quilt I would never be able to sleep under it...

How cute is this?!? Stephanie sewed borders around a Halloween panel that she found at Value Village. It's the perfect grandkid can be used and abused and it won't break a grandma's heart if one day the dog chews off the corner because Halloween candy somehow got stuck on it! Now, about those velvet pumpkins...I love them. I've seen them in the shops, very I've decided to make my own. Well, it's on my list of things to do but I'm half way there because I have REAL pumpkin stems drying in my kitchen so any day now I'll cut a big circle from my velvet, baste-stitch all around the outer edge and before I pull it tightly together I'll add some rice and stuffing. I'll knot it really well and then make a few tucks with my fingers before hot-gluing on my stems. Presto! Just like that I'll have Harvest pumpkins every bit as wonderful as Terry' least that's the plan...check back with me in 10 or 11 years and see if I have them done!

Do you need an idea for a super fast quilt? Look no further! Stephanie cut 2 1/2-inch strips and sewed them together - I love this! It's a great way to use up scraps and "ugly" fabrics...not that there's any ugly fabrics in Stephanie's quilt! She made this for Project Linus and she even brought in a big box of fabrics for us to take home, cut into strips and sew together so we can donate a quilt top to Project Linus, too. Stephanie's good like that - always looking for a way to help others...just one of her many endearing qualities...and now that I've buttered her up a bit, it shouldn't come as a surprise for me to confess I've yet to cut the fabric I brought home...but I will....right after I get going on my Halloween quilt!

Terry has been hard at work on her wool applique pieces - if you enlarge these pictures you will be able to see just how wonderful her workmanship is. You won't be able to see her's a little mind-boggling how she is able to work with such precision. The word jealous just sprang to mind...wonder why?!?

I had to take a picture of Terry's flannel quilt - it's definitely a snuggler. I love the little pumpkin guy she hand appliqued on the back Terry!
I'm happy to report it is still raining and I just heard a clap of thunder...that means it's now time for me to end this post and head to the kitchen to make chowder or pumpkin muffins or chili or all three. Thanks for stopping by - it was a great show, no?
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