Breaking News! We are on day 47 of NO RAIN!!! That's not a record, but it puts Seattle in 3rd place for the longest time without another week we will break that record and then everyone will be doing rain dances and it will start raining and it won't stop until June! No rain is one thing, but no rain and temps in the HIGH 90's is another!!! Today we might even hit triple digits!!! We just aren't used to this kind of's too hot to do much, other than show you the quilts from our meeting last week!
You've seen this one before - Stephanie brought it in and told us this is just one of the MANY quilts she has given away as a thank you for a donation made to Obliteride. Stephanie and her husband Dave are participating once again in the Obliteride - a bike ride to raise money for cancer research. So far Stephanie has raised more than $2,300!!! For every $200 donation she gives someone a thank you quilt! Pretty sweet, no? Stephanie still has more quilts to give - so if you want to make a donation, and get a quilt, send me an email and I'll tell you how to go about it. Way to go Stephanie, you are good-to-the-bone!
Barbara made two of these darling Minky baby quilts for her newest grandbabies...I've lost track of how many she has, maybe 30??? Everyone loves Minky - too bad it's so stinkin' hard to sew!
Shelly brought in this beautiful star quilt and asked us for our opinions on how to machine quilt the open areas...since Shelly is new to our group, she didn't realize that asking us for opinions was like opening Pandora's Box! Everyone had one! I think though, in the end, she settled on one idea - hope it works because it's such a beautiful quilt!
This is the back of Shelly's quilt. As you can see, she already has a lot of the machine quilting done - and isn't her "piano keys" border cute?!? When I get to the backing, I'm always in too much of a hurry to get the quilt done so I usually just use one big piece of fabric, even thinking about piecing the back makes me, crazier!
Marsha brought her blue and white quilt to end our show...just a few quilts, remember it's too hot to sew! This one is a beauty - bright and happy and refreshing!
What you see here is the spread Kareena served us! She had just returned from some time in Provence and she treated us to a Continental was so beautiful, right down to the sunflowers! Thanks Kareena, we loved every bite!