Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be an amazing ride! show!
Let's start with some eye-candy for you...Helen's house is a treasure-trove of wonderfulness! Everywhere I looked I saw something that tickled my heart! I love everything about Helen's house, and Helen's always a treat to be there!
Have I bored you with my picture issues?? I used to use Picassa, but that went away and now I have I don't have a way to edit the pictures before I post them...wait, let me rephrase that, I don't have a kid willing to come and show me how to edit my pictures and how to do it easily without ripping cords from the wall and screaming for my momma! So please forgive me for some of these shots - even I can see how bad they are! But if you'll look past the obvious, you'll see Denise's latest project - her Easter quilt made with the Easter blocks our group made for her. Yours truly made the bunny in the top right corner...and that's all I know! It's very sweet and come next Easter I'm sure it will be proudly displayed or maybe one of her grandchildren will be wrapped up in it?!
Denise brought in some of her latest other projects...her quilling pictures are so cute - don't you just love that lamb?!?
Kareena brought in this Boo Pillow...she didn't make it but her friend, Charlotte Baker, did and it is even more wonderful in person! This pillow reminded Terry of a comment about another long Halloween pillow..."What are you going to do with that pillow?" And someone in our group, without missing a beat, who shall remain nameless in Ohio said, "I'm going to pole dance with it!" Thanks for the laugh!
Stephanie made this batik quilt for a friend of hers who donated to the Obliteride Cancer fundraiser. Stephanie raised over $6,000!!! And she gave away 8 quilts as thank-yous - pretty amazing!
This bright and happy quilt is another one from Stephanie. When she commented that it was getting TOO bright, Helen, our resident NEON GAL said, "Is that possible?" Ummmmm, maybe Helen, just maybe!
This green and yellow 9-patch is another one from Stephanie and below you can see the backing she found for this quilt - at Value Village - she finds the best deals! Stephanie couldn't have found a better match in a quilt shop! (Due to technical difficulties with my brain I was not able to post the correct picture where I wanted look down to see the green and yellow backing, which is ONE fabric, it looks pieced but it's not!
Now then, let's continue, up above you will see the quilt Barbara brought. It's a quilt top top that has been sitting in her "to finish pile" for years and years - maybe 15?? Our quilt group way back then made the blocks - we all made 12 of the same blocks every month and then we exchanged them. That was when we were young and crazy. Now we're old and smart...we don't make 12 blocks in a month for anyone! It was fun to see this top and to think about the great gals in our group who made those blocks - we miss you all!
Helen showed us her this quilt made with fabric called "Hello Gorgeous!" Don't you just love that?! It's very sweet and not nearly as bright as her usual stuff!!
Janet has been on an elephant adventure lately...two pics up (yes, again with some kind of picture mishap, I need to get my 12 year old neighbor kid over here to help me!)you can see her latest elephant quilt and it's, well, I have no words except to say I love it. I really, really love it! I may have to copy this one for myself. I always wanted an elephant! Pictured above is a very sweet, small quilt made by Helen, that blue background really sets off those blocks!
Janet showed us this lavender and blue quilt she made for her granddaughter - from the napkins she used at her wedding! Now that's a new one on me! But what a great memory/keepsake this quilt now is!
Last month Shelly brought in this quilt and asked us how to quilt it...we all had opinions! Shock! Shelly took someone's advice, twasn't mine, and did a fabulous job and now this quilt is all done and ready to use! Two pics below is a picture of the back of Shelly's quilt (I swear I have NO idea how the pictures moved on me and what's worse is I have no idea how to move them back! I only know what I know!!! Today it sucks being me!) - and here's what is really amazing to's EVEN!!! As in the backing lines up straight and perfectly with the front...that never happens in my quilt world!
Diane made the beautiful blue quilt pictured above, it reminds me that I really do like blue! I do have a few blue quilts in my house, just not anywhere anyone can see!
Terry brought in a quilt she is working on, it's made from fabric from and it's suede fabric...although it's not suede but cotton, it just looks and feels like suede. Which reminds me, I have a friend who pronounced the word suede (and for those of you not in the know, it's pronounced swayed) as sue-eeed-ee. Funny, no? Yes, I have a sophomoric sense of humor and while I will laugh at mispronunciations, I won't laugh when someone trips...unless it's my sister.
Marsha ended our show with a round of Twister...she insisted her quilt strips were wrong...we insisted on laying them all out to see for you see where the problem is?!?! Yeah, me neither...and no one else Marsha, just sew it together and call it good - because it is! It's very, very good!