Since I haven't posted in a while, let me bring you up to speed: We have used our grill every night for the last 3 weeks, that's a personal best! I've been to the beach once, the book store 5 times and I have read three new books (more on them soon). I have a new bike (thanks Cal and Christina!) that I ride around the neighborhood looking every bit like Miss Gulch in the Wizard of Oz, except the basket on my bike is in the front! I have picked 7 cherry tomatoes from one of my two tomato plants and we have three baby birds in one of our hanging baskets, exciting, no? We have been to a farmer's market every week, I've made strawberry jam (thanks Nancy for the berries!) and I've picked enough raspberries to last me through a season of smoothies. We haven't seen one movie in a theater and we have finally discovered our DVR and how to use it so now we don't have to watch reruns. I've given one bridal shower, made three pies, have entertained 4 house guests, went to the ballpark to watch the Mariners lose, been to the flower market 3 times A N D...I'm back to walking 4 miles in an hour, almost every day, because it is summer and this girl likes to sleep in occasionally! I haven't worked on a quilt in a month but I have made a cover for a piano bench, two new pillows for my sofa and I've repaired every piece of clothing in our house - sewn on buttons, fixed zippers, hemmed skirts, stitched up inside pockets - you name it, I've done it! I had a basket filled to the rim with things that needed to be fixed - now my basket is empty! TA-DA! So there you have it! Now let me show you what my quilting friends have been up to:
My friend Jenny made this beautiful quilt for a friend of hers who is undergoing cancer treatment. (She posted the pic on her blog and I had to steal the pic and show you!) As if that is not wonderful enough, let me tell you about Jenny...who with her husband, 3 kids, and 2 dogs, decided to take a year and travel around the country. They rented their home, loaded up their car and trailer and off they went! Jenny took plenty of hand-work to keep her busy but about half-way through her trip she decided she needed a sewing machine so she bought herself a Featherweight and that's what she used to make this beautiful quilt! They have traveled from Alaska to Florida to Maine and all the stops in between, and are currently in Kentucky (they rented homes to stay in for weeks at a time) and you can read all about Jenny's amazing adventure on her blog, The Great Family Adventure . Jenny and fam will end their adventure in August when they return to SeaTown next month - safe travels to you Jen!
Speaking of Jenny, she is the reason I am now the very proud owner of this antique Yo-Yo quilt! Jen was in Maine, I think, and she visited an antique shop and posted a picture of this quilt on FB and said it was $35 or something ridiculous like that! I told her I'd give her $40 for it! Turns out Jenny didn't buy the quilt but after my comment she went back and got it for me! One week later I had this beauty in my lap!
It definitely needs some repair work done but now that I've busted through my repair-basket I will be able to get to fixin' this up soon! I love it so much, Thanks Jenny! We think it is made with 1940-50 fabrics, some of them are exceptionally ugly, most are amazingly cute and I love them all!
Barbara brought in a picture of her latest quilt, made for her grandson Brian who is holding it - as you can see it's a T-shirt quilt and Brian loves it! It's pretty cool! This picture was on Barbara's cell phone so it's a picture of a picture, sorry it's so grainy! I've made a couple of T-shirt quilts and they were probably the most enthusiastically received quilts ever! And to think there are those who say teenage boys don't like quilts!!
Janet brought in her newly quilted and bound elephant quilt for us to drool over one more time - it's so pretty in person and the quilting is amazing! I had just finished reading a book about elephants, Elephant Company, which I can highly recommend, so I loved seeing this quilt again!
Diane made this adorable quilt for her newest grandbaby - it has little sheep on it - so sweet and soft - congrats on the new grandson!
Now it's time for The Shelly Show. Shelly is our newest quilt group member, she's also Marsha's sister and my 2nd cousin! Shelly brought a few quilts to show us and it was her very first meeting with us - we were all very impressed! The next six quilts are all Shelly's!
Aren't they are just wonderful?!? Welcome Shelly, you will be a great addition to our little group!
This last quilt now belongs to stephanie. It was her brother-in-law's-mom's quilt (I think) and her B-I-L snagged it for her and now Stephanie has to decide what to do with it - repair it? Cut it up and make something with it? Let it sit on the linen closet shelf for a few years? It's rather "Gee's Bend-ish," don't you think? I'm sure whatever Stephanie decides will be wonderful!
That's it! Hope you're enjoying your summer - we're loving our summer 78 degree days!!