Another month, another surgery!! That's right folks, just can't keep me out of the O.R. But this surgery was a breeze compared to the others...three days ago my shoulder doc went in, removed the scar tissue that wasn't letting me move my arm and while I was under anesthesia they "manipulated" my shoulder...but given the size of the bruises that are just now coming into view, I would say they swung me around the O.R. with my arm! The upshot is I can move my arm. YAY!!! I haven't really been able to use it since last November so...YAY!!! YAY!!! I am making progress! Now it's just a matter of me keeping my arm in motion and doing specific exercise so it doesn't freeze other words, I'm free to use my left arm to eat with - fork up, fork down, fork up, fork down. My kind of exercise!
But enough about me, let's talk quilts!! This month we had everyone at our meeting, (except Jenny who is in the wilds of Alaska) so it was very fun to be able to visit and catch up...and of course, to see what everyone has been working on. Our quilt group, like most, seems to go in month we'll have a lot of quilts to show and the next we'll have one or two and lately we have been in a very productive spurt! Spurt Quilting, it's a thing!
Kareena brought in her latest red, white and blue quilt and between all the oohing and aahing she told us she didn't like the quilting at all!! Say what!?! We poo-pooed her, the quilting is fabulous but maybe a bit too traditional for Kareena, who is a modern gal at heart! Remember, we show our quilts in all the different you've probably seen this before as Kareena just got it back from the quilter and it's not yet bound - if Kareena brings it back to show us when it is completely finished, bound and ready to be wrapped up in, then you'll see it again! Like an old friend popping in to say hello!
Here's another one you've seen before - Helen's house quilt. Isn't it interesting how the gray background doesn't dull this quilt down but makes the fabrics pop?! Love that! Also love the binding - and the tiny squares in the border. Nicely done Helen!
This is Lori's quilt - all polka-dot fabrics and so bright and happy! Look closely at the quilting - it's pretty dang great!
Kareena bought this panel and turned it into a small quilt - I think she said it's for her grandsons. I like the idea of having the Family Rules spelled out. I should get one for our family so it could be a daily reminder to keep the snarkiness under control - which I could use! I would just add one more rule to that list...Start running on ONE ('cause if your mom gets to THREE you're in trouble!!)
Diane was a guest at our meeting and she brought in her Easter quilt to show us. We've seen different variations of this quilt and it's one of our favorites! It's so cute - makes me want to make one but then again, look at all that applique!!! Maybe I'll make it in my next life, doesn't appear I'll have time in this one!
Janet made this cute runner - it's not very big, maybe 36 x 20? And Janet quilted it much for her not being a "real" quilter (her words) Ha!
Janet showed us this quilt last month - it's the One Block Wonder quilt and I wanted you to see the fabric she used to make her's in the foreground and the quilt is's a pretty fun pattern and kind of crazy to think about getting all of those different colors from one fabric!
Stephanie made this quilt from a block Helen didn't want...the center block. She did a really nice job and I love the colors - since it's almost Pumpkin Season this quilt needs to be on display! (You see that it's a "harvest" quilt, right?)
Stephanie made this quilt,'s all finished now and it's spectacular! This is another Stephanie original...each block was started with a black and white polka-dot fabric in the center...and then it went from there! I lurve this quilt...scrappy and big and if I was Stephanie I would give it to me, since you know, I had surgery and everything. Because that's what quilting friends do...and because I lurve it. Just a thought.
Below is Marsha's quilt. I think she said she made this from left-over fabrics...I pain pills are kicking in so maybe that statement is a fabrication! Anywho, she made it from something for something...and it's dang cute! I was going to crop out the head and legs on this picture but it makes me smile so it stayed "as is!"
That's it - another great meeting with great friends...and great food! Happy Quilting y'all!