Few people were in attendance and we had even fewer quilts - like two!!! That's an all-time LOW record for our group but the two quilts we saw were pretty spectacular in their own way. Here, let me show you!
You might remember this from a few weeks back - this quilt was assembled at our American Hero Quilt Sew Day but there's a bit of a story to this one. First, let me just say I will understand if you think this isn't the most beautiful quilt you've ever seen but it is a testament to using what's on hand, cleaning out those scraps and making things work! And that makes this quilt pretty darn pretty if you ask me!
Barbara sewed most of the 16-patch blocks together and donated them to our project. She didn't buy any fabric to sew the blocks, just used what was in her scraps.
Those blue blocks with the white pieces in them? Well, those were made for Stephanie who told us that was what she wanted...but since none of us can follow directions, she got a mixed bag, which apparently was not what she wanted!! Some of the white pieces are thin, some are fat, which just wouldn't work for what she had in mind. So rather than spend hours UNsewing and then REsewing the blocks, or tossing them out, she donated them for our project.
Janet ended up sewing Barbara's and Stephanie's blocks together into the top you see...and it works. It will be given to American Hero Quilts and then given to some wounded soldier or Marine and it will be loved. People are still getting blown up, coming home with severe injuries or worse...these quilts are still needed after all these years! So at first glance this might not look like a winner...but it will be!!
Now, before I show you the second and LAST quilt - seriously, only two quilts, we were all a bit shocked...I have to give you some background. In case you've forgotten, Helen is like a mad-scientist when it comes to fabrics. She loves bright, happy, quirky fabrics that one with slower brain activity might look at and think, "There's no way that is going to work!" But Helen has no fear when it comes to color...she cuts her fabrics, sews a block together and then decides if it's going to work or not...if it works it goes into one pile and if not, into another. Now over the years, Helen has amassed quite a pile of blocks that "didn't work"...and this quilt has many of them in it. I'd like to go on the record to say that I never make "trial" blocks...if I'm going to sew a block, then I'm going to use it - whether it works or not by golly!! I don't have high standards when it comes to quilting!!
Just take a minute and let your eyes go over this picture slowly...you will notice all of the different blocks - and colors - blocks that might jump out at you and other blocks that seem to disappear in the melee.
The red cross block, the purple and orange block, the gold and red blocks...curious, no? Yet they work...this is the MOTHER of the Kitchen Sink Quilts!!!
Oh, about that gold and red block...that was from a project our group did about 18 years ago!!! I made a small quilt out of those blocks, which I have since given away. Helen made a couple of those blocks and then decided that was enough - she presumably tossed them into her "didn't work" pile and there they stayed until they were called into service for this quilt!
This quilt is huge!! Helen doesn't usually make quilts this size, she just kept adding in blocks until it was "done." I love this quilt - it's an I Spy quilt for quilters!! It's eye candy for quilters!! It's worth a 2nd, 3rd and 4th look because you'll keep seeing things you didn't see before...like the Courthouse Steps block that looks like a pink wedding cake! Or the little girl block! Or the basket block! Or the house block!!
Fun. Just dang fun.
Kareena was quick to point out that most artists are not recognized for their work until after they are dead, so she suggested we bump off Helen so her quilts can get the respect and admiration they deserve!!! Something to think about...
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