I was picturing how impressed our Easter dinner guests would be when I presented them with my dessert ...a chocolate bunny cake! For 11 glorious seconds the bunny stood tall while I carefully applied the rich double chocolate frosting...first the tail fell off, then the body cracked and then, like the Titanic, down she went!
At least my table looks pretty - Mom, this one's for you, don't your plates look so nice with everything? Wish you and dad were here to dine with us!
We'll feast on ham and scalloped potatoes and all the Easter fixin's you can think of, sans the chocolate bunny cake. But not to fear, I have a back-up...The Black Sheep Cake! It was going to be a sweet little lamb cake with white frosting covered in coconut, but I went to the coconut cupboard and the cupboard was bare! So we're going with Black Sheep...she does have one creepy eye! I think it's safe to say animal cakes should be left to the animals...
Happy Easter Everyone!