We had a major wind storm yesterday which left 250,000 people without power, including me and the mister. Everyone on our street has a generator. Big generators. The neighbors next door even have their outside lights hooked up to theirs, as if to say, Yeah, we've got power suckers!! The minute the place goes dark we hear the loud humming the generators make, as they thumb their neener-neener-neeners in our direction! The last time we had an outage the mister, the Marine, who has always said he don't need no stinkin' generator, decided he would buy one. But did he? No, he did not. So last night, as we sat in the dark and listened to the generators humming like an approaching army... as pinecones and branches pelted our abode...I bit my tongue, and said nothing. I propped myself in front of the fire to warm my feet, which felt like blocks of ice even with two pairs of socks. Wrapped in quilts with mittens on my hands and a hat on my head, I said nothing. I might have wimpered and shivered but not one word about a generator crossed my blue lips. It didn't take long for the temperature to drop inside the house, especially when we were opening and closing the door to let our sweet little pup outside and in. The air was cold, the furniture was cold, we were cold! But still, not one word about a generator. We crawled into bed, pulled up the covers, turned off the lanterns and the mister said, "It's so cold...I'll go tomorrow to buy a generator." And then, like a volcano erupted with no way to stop, I found my voice. Really??? You've tired of trying to freeze me to death? You don't like my blue lips? Something about icicles hanging from my nose that disagrees with you? Now that YOU'RE sufficiently frozen you're going to buy the generator you said you were going to buy the last time we turned into Arctic penguins! You'd better! I'm too old for this! I'm not kidding! Blah, blah, blah...I ranted until hypothermia set in. During the night the power came on...and so did all of our lights. Neither one of us got up - we slept with the lights on...pretending we had a silent generator.

Irish Sliders will please everyone. These have been kid and adult tested and approved so these should be on your St. Patrick's Day menu! I was thinking Irish when I made these so of course I used Potato Rolls...store bought, keep it simple. Potato rolls are really soft and slightly sweet and this time of year they seem to always be available in our local bakery. If you can't find Potato rolls, any good dinner roll will work. This recipe uses 3 different kinds of mustard; regular Yellow mustard, Dijon and Sweet and Spicy Brown Mustard...which make one delicious sauce and one tangy glaze (not to fear, they are super simple to make).

Shaved corned beef and shredded cabbage are added to the mix. The cabbage isn't cooked so it offers just the right amount of crunch. Everything is topped with with Swiss cheese, then a tangy mustard glaze is drizzled on top! Corned beef, cabbage and Potato (rolls)...it's the perfect Irish meal!

This makes a dozen sandwiches/sliders, unless you eat a roll the minute you take them out of the package, then you'll only get 11- I couldn't help myself! They bake in the oven for 30 minutes - the cheese melts, the slider is warmed through - you won't need a dinner bell, the aroma will call them all to the table!

Irish Sliders - Pots and Pins
1 package (12 count) Potato rolls
1/2 lb. thinly sliced or shaved corned beef
8 slices thinly sliced Swiss cheese
2 cups shredded cabbage
1 tablespoon butter, for greasing baking dish
Mustard Sauce
2 teaspoons yellow mustard
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
2 Tablespoons sour cream
Mustard Glaze
1 tablespoon brown mustard (I used Woeber's Sandwich Pal Sweet and Spicy Mustard, which I buy in a specialty store but you could use any brown mustard you find at your local grocery store)
1 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter a 9x13-inch baking dish. Split potato rolls in half and place bottom halves in baking dish.
Make mustard sauce: In a small bowl combine yellow mustard, Dijon mustard and sour cream and stir until smooth and well blended. Slather mustard sauce over rolls in pan. Top the rolls with the corned beef, spreading evenly over every roll. Top corned beef with shredded cabbage. Place Swiss cheese on top of cabbage, over-lapping cheese slices to fit them all on.
Make mustard glaze: In small bowl combine brown mustard and balsamic vinegar and whisk together until smooth. Drizzle mustard glaze over cheese. Put tops on sandwiches. Cover baking dish with aluminum foil. Bake in 350 Degree oven for 30minutes, until cheese melts and sliders are heated through. Serve warm. (But just as good cold!) Makes 12 sliders.

For more of my favorite Irish recipes, click here.
Or scroll down and on the left, under categories, click on St. Patrick's Day...you'll find everything you need to make for a fantastic Irish celebration - whether you're Irish or not!
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