Happy 4th Day of Christmas Everyone! We're still celebrating - or trying to - I did a finger wave this morning when I got up, does that count? Christmas just isn't the same without little kids - no chaos or mess or noise or pure joy. I missed it all so very much!! Still, we did manage to have a very nice Christmas, it was just noise-less and mess-less and very different. The mister thought it was perfect, no surprise there. On Christmas Eve, the mister was so pleased there wasn't a creature stirring he even offered to help me wrap a few gifts! Never, ever has he done that before! He passed the tape and scissors and put on the tags - a right jolly ol' elf was he! Then he watched as I filled the stockings for the boy and his bride...and I made him turn his head as I filled his. We grabbed the gifts and the stockings and as we were loading up I asked the mister to make sure to grab my stocking, which was still on my work table - empty - so very empty. I didn't have to point out the obvious but I did, because that's the kind of elf I am...not once in all of our Christmases has there ever been anything in my stocking because I do the stockings and what's the point in filling my own? Cut to Christmas day - the boy and his bride come over - we light the fire, pass around the gifts, hand out the stockings and the mister pipes up, tells the boy to hand me my stocking - which looks every bit as empty and sad as ever. I feel the stocking, very funny I say, but the mister assures me there is something inside - so I reach my hand in and pull out one $20 bill. One. The mister was proud as punch - started laughing - then coughing - then hacking - he about killed himself with glee. Who knew $20 could provide so much joy?! Now, as the mister pointed out, because that's the kind of elf he is, I cannot say I've never had anything in my stocking ever again...after this post.
Making something hand-made is part of the fun of Christmas for me and every year I drive myself crazy trying to make something last minute. This year was no exception. Five days before Christmas I decided my sisters needed zipper pouches so I headed into the nerve center, my work room, and got busy. I made these five zipper pouches in ONE HOUR. Not kidding. They are SO easy to make - sew up super fast - and, if I do say so myself, look pretty darn cute!
Mixing up the outside fabrics with the lining was the fun part - and if I'd had more time I might have added a few more embellishments to the outside of the pouch - but they really didn't need it.
Lipsticks were wrapped up with a pouch and sent off that day...so easy and fast and I thought they made such a cute gift that I made several for myself!
If you want to sew some up for yourself or your sisters, Dana over at Dana Made It has a great tutorial. Dana has a lot of great sewing tutorials - I love everything she comes up with and so will you.
I'll leave you this morning with the parting words the mister had for me as he left for Global Headquarters today, "Geeze Nan, can you get any more crap on that cabinet?" The crap on the cabinet has been there since the day before Thanksgiving...and he said that now?!? He just noticed? Should I be worried about his mental health...or mine? Of course, the answer to his question is yes...yes I can get more crap on and in that cabinet...do you think that was a dare? I said in reply, as sweetly as I could, "Happy 4th Day of Christmas ya filthy animal - now go to work!"
Be the first one to name the movie that line (paraphrased) is from and I'll send you a zipper pouch!
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