I haven't cried in a very long time, oh sure, I've teared up, and I've fought the urge to bawl like a leetle girl, after all, I am married to the mister, but as far as actually crying/sobbing/wailing like a Southern Sista at a funeral, I've been as dry as the Sahara, until last night. Last night as I was attempting to fluff my pillow, my ring snagged on the edge and then quickly released. Odd. I turned on the light and to my horror, I saw my beloved ruby ring was missing a ruby!!!
This is the ring the boy gave me for Christmas 15 years ago...the mister took him shopping and he picked out a ruby ring...that boy is practically perfect in every way! And he was so proud and happy to give it to me - I can still remember his little face! I have loved this ring ever since. When I saw the hole where the ruby should have been, I burst into tears - real alligator tears - and I could not stop! The mister, being as sharp as a tack, noticed something was amiss...could have been my shrill shrieks...and he immediately went into full Karate mode...thinking I had been attacked by a giant spider or worse. FYI, the mister does not know Karate. I was trying to talk, trying to spit out what had happened, holding up my finger, but in a split second the mister, flailing about, had ripped the bedding off the bed, looking for the culprit that caused my hysteria. Before he could do any more damage I managed to get a grip and blurt out my ruby was missing. To my surprise, the mister was as sad about it as I was! Well, not sad enough to help me look for it, and not sad enough to stop watching TV, but deep down, where he didn't know it, I'm sure he was sad. Pretty sure. I searched all over the bed, the bedroom, the bathroom, down the hall , down the stairs - went through the entire house picking up any little thing I saw on the floor, (made a mental note to vacuum)...found nothing.
Today while I WAS vacuuming, I saw a little pebble out of the corner of my eye just as the vacuum sucked it up. Thinking/hoping it could be the ruby, I emptied out the contents of the vacuum and slowly felt my way through every ball of dust/lint/hair/pine needle...disgusting!!! Half way through the debris, there it was...my little precious stone! I can hardly believe my good luck!!! And hardly contain my JOY!!! This is what the ring looks like when the ruby is in place...first thing tomorrow it's going to the jeweler to be reset. Just had to share my happy moment with ya'll...well, my sad moment then my happy moment. As someone who excels at mediocre luck, this is a pretty big deal!!