Yep, it's a thing. If you're on Pinterest then you know gender reveal parties are the new black! It seems everyone is pregnant and everyone is desperately trying to come up with a bigger, better, funner (I know that's not a word but doesn't funner just seem to fit in with a gender reveal party?!?) way to tell the world you're having a baby!
My niece Gabby is having a baby - the first grandchild for my little sister, the one who is younger than me yet looks older, remember her? Anywho, Gabby is having a baby and she was not about to announce the gender of her unborn child by just sending a text or email or, Heaven forbid, picking up the phone and calling in the news! So she asked me to help her with the party - and as you know, I have trouble saying NO, but Gabby is my very favorite pregnant niece so how could I refuse? First things first - I had to make two baby quilts - one blue and one pink - it would have been rude not to!
Pink and blue everything! The entire famdamly gathered at my sister's home to celebrate the big event! My dad loves to have his picture taken - isn't he the cutest 83 year old you've ever seen?!? He is the best father and grandfather and an amazing great-grandfather! Gabby's little baby will make great-grandchild #3! I would have posted a pic of my cute mom but I managed to snap her picture every time she was putting her fork in her mouth - and I didn't want to be grounded!!
Pink and blue PEEPS are as disgusting as they look. Just so you know. My apologies to the three people in the world who actually like PEEPS!
Everyone got to decorate a onesie for the new babe...most everyone thought Gabby was going to have a boy! Only three people knew the actually gender...the mom, the dad and yours truly. Of course, I did my best to mislead and confuse - which is my specialty.
After a fabulous Burrito Bar dinner, it was time for the big REVEAL! Gabby and Mike, aka mom and dad, cut into the four-layer coconut cake together...slowly...letting the suspense build!! About the cake, it is, without a doubt, the BEST coconut cake on the planet! Click here for the recipe.
SurPrise! SurPrise! Mike and Gabby are having a GIRL!!! When the pink M&M's spilled out everyone screamed, clapped and then said, "I knew it!"
Mike and Gabby are going to be wonderful parents, I am SO happy for them! In fact, I was so excited to finally have them spill the beans/M&M's that I told Gabby she could have BOTH quilts! Originally I had planned on giving her either the pink or blue - but you know, even little girls wear blue and they need a matching quilt, no?
Congrats Gabby and Mike - You will most certainly have the THIRD most beautiful child in the world!