What's the secret to a happy marriage? I personally have no idea - it's still a secret from me! However, I do know how to tell if you've been married too long...when you have FIVE inches cut off your hair and your husband doesn't notice...then it's time to trade in and trade up, no? Five inches. Not one word out of his mouth. I only know of one sure-fire way to get the mister to notice me...I just need to get into his pants, I mean his pocket with his wallet...because nothing gets his attention faster than me opening his wallet...and the way I figure it, his five days of obliviousness = a super shopping extravaganza for me. Math - it's not just for brainiacs! After seeing the quilts at this months meeting, I've decided that I need new fabric to play with, and lucky me, I just qualified for an all-expense fabric shopping trip from the mister!!!
Our quilt group has started a new year-long project - actually two projects. Each month we each will make a red, white and blue 12-inch block. Pictured above are some of the blocks we got this month. We are going to save the blocks until the end of the year when we get together to assemble all 144 blocks into different quilt tops. We'll give those those tops to American Hero Quilts - at least that's the plan.
The other project is similar, in that we each make a 12-inch block every month in that month's color. This month the color was green - our only stipulations were the blocks had to be 12-inches and they had to read green. We are operating on the assumption that all greens go together...this may or may not prove to be true! Each month one of us will take the blocks home and sew them up into a top to be donated. This month Stephanie is taking the green blocks and I'm sure she'll come up with some creative way of using them!
Last month was the final month of our group blocks - it was Ardith's turn and she requested red, white and blue blocks. Pictured above is the block Jenny made for Ardith, she didn't have it finished last month due to the fact that it is almost entirely hand-pieced! Pretty cool, huh?
Speaking of Ardith, she brought in this very cute Halloween quilt she made for her grandchildren out of a panel. She cut and pieced the panel and added the borders. I like that she has planned ahead...maybe I should try that sometime?!?
Helen brought two very dear friends with her to our meeting - they are pictured above. Helen's mom made these dolls for Helen when she was but a wee lass. They were not the least bit shy about being naked even though Helen did say she was going to make them some clothes. Helen also brought in the block pictured above - and this is why Helen is Helen...she saw a picture of this block and decided she liked it so much that she had to make it right then and there...and so she did. I think that's what's known as being moved by the spirit(?)
This is why I need a super fabric shopping extravaganza - I need to be sewing with HAPPY fabrics!! This is another one of Helen's creations - bright and happy - seriously, how can you look upon this quilt and not be happy?!?! I need some happy for myself...let's do some math again...buying happy fabric = a happy quilter. I love it when things add up!
Lori made this adorable pillow (stuffed with down) for her daughter-in-law who loves to read. In case you can't see it, the back of the pillow says, "Go away I'm reading, no really." I love this - want to make one for myself! I need a reading pillow...and a really, really good book...anyone read anything great lately?!?
Jenny made this sweet bunny quilt for a friend. It's made with Aunt Gracie fabrics and it's perfect for Easter! If only I had planned ahead I could have had a new Easter quilt, too!! Way to go Jenny!
I spent most of March working on baby quilts - I made four of them! That's got to be some kind of record for me! I'll show you them in another post - don't want to spoil the surprise for the recipients! That's a wrap for another Quilt Group Friday! Happy Quilting to you!