I like to do an annual recap of my quilting life...you know, to either totally embarrass myself or to provide self-motivation at it's finest...public humiliation works wonders on me! Last year I had such high hopes...several projects were started with great zeal!! And, with great zeal, they are now collecting dust. I did manage to get a few quilts done...10 to be exact, and while that's nothing to snort at, I've yet to repeat my record of 17 quilts (mostly finished...I like to take credit for everything...finished quilts and those that are pieced together but I do draw the line at pieces...I do have some standards!) in 2012, and it should be noted that I did not use Quilting Performance Drugs to achieve that! (Note to Moda: You are always my fabric of choice, why not help a sista out and start producing Quilting Performance Drugs?!?! I'll be your first and best customer!) So here's a peek at what happened in 2014:
You're not seeing double, I made two monkey quilts for Lindsay's twin boys, and you know how I hate repeating myself...I should get double points for these!
Let's play True Confessions, shall we? You go first. Okay, fine, I'll go first. I purchased, yes, almost as cheat-a-fying as using a panel, I purchased the blocks for those three quilts above at a quilt show. When I first posted about them I wrote, "This is the fastest way to make a quilt," or some such non-sense because as you can see, if it were truly fast, they would be done! These three tops scream at me from the pile every other week...this year, Grasshopper, this year!
Another three quilts of various, or should I say, dubious, beginnings. The quilt on the left was made from blocks that were signed at a wedding. I'm proud to say I made this one start to finish and it's a fairly decent size, too. The middle quilt, however, was a top that was purchased at a garage sale, I just added the border...but hey, possession is 9/10ths of the law so it's still mine! The quilt on the right is a small baby quilt...for a small baby...but it's still a quilt!
This was my masterpiece for 2014 - and probably for the next ten years as well. And while I was there at the beginning of this quilt, I quickly backed out and gave up...me do a paper-pieced quilt?!?!? Hahahaha...but after Kareena worked on this quilt and had half of the blocks done, SHE gave up and bestowed the pieces on me. It took me forever to piece this together and finally last year I was able to finish it. Half-pieced, quilted and bound and it's my favorite quilt of all.
I've been feverishly working on a Quiet Book for my grand-daughter Elsa - it's was for Christmas, but now I'm going to give it to her for her birthday on January 12th...she'll definitely have it for Valentine's Day! But I can hardly wait to show you just how cute it is! There hasn't been a lot of quilting going on in the new year - but I've got several projects in the works and with any luck at all, I'll get a few of them done this year!