When your granddaughter's name is Elsa, then all things Frozen must be done! It's been a year of Frozen for most little girls, but for our Elsa, who turns 3 next week, this past year has belonged to her! I think she has everything Frozen - as in Frozen shoes and socks to Frozen clothes, Frozen dolls and Olaf, Frozen toys, even a Frozen rug and microphone that plays Let it Go over and over! Over the holidays Elsa even had her very own Frozen Hot Chocolate! It all might seem a bit crazy except that our Elsa, well, she's the real Elsa, just ask her!

Elsa loves to help in the kitchen so I put her to work making her own hot chocolate. She takes her stirring responsibilities very seriously! Once the milk is hot, white chocolate is stirred in until it's melted. When removed from the heat, vanilla and a drop or two of blue food coloring is added, then it's ready to serve.

It's really yummy - white hot chocolate is a nice change from normal hot chocolate - clear, glass mugs would have been fun to serve this in, so you could see the blue, but alas I don't own any! Of course, whipped cream, blue sprinkles and blue straws are totally optional...but all Princesses love them!

Or so I thought! Princess Elsa was not a fan...she's never had hot chocolate in any form before and she didn't like it hot...she loved the whipped cream (it was cold) and the sprinkles and the look of it all and she really wanted to drink it but even warm, she wanted nothing to do with it! Gramma to the rescue! I poured the hot chocolate into a pitcher and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (the chocolate does not solidify, it stays creamy). When it was cold, poured into a clear glass, topped with whipped cream and sprinkles, Elsa finally enjoyed her Frozen Hot Chocolate with all the trimmings!

Max was not at all interested in his sister's drink because he had his very own Grinch Juice to enjoy! Max recently watched and fell in love with the movie How The Grinch Stole Christmas and he loves everything Grinch-y! He even got a stuffed Grinch for Christmas, to go along with his Grinch shirt!
(All rather mister-ish if you ask me but Max didn't see the resemblance so I didn't point it out.)
Unlike Elsa, Max didn't want any part of making his Grinch Juice, so I happily waited on him...lime sherbet, Sprite, whipped cream, green sprinkles...it's super easy to make and it tastes great! Even the Grinch himself would love this! Oh the Who-manity!

Elsa's Frozen Hot Chocolate - Pots and Pins
2 cups whole milk
1/2 cup white chocolate chips
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 to 2 drops blue food coloring
Optional for serving: whipped cream, blue sprinkles, blue straws
In a small pan over medium heat, heat the milk until warm, stir in the white chocolate chips and stir until they are melted and the mixture is smooth. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla and the food coloring. Serve warm/hot with whipped cream and sprinkles, if desired. If you don't want to serve it hot, pour into a pitcher and place in refrigerator until cold, about two hours. Sir before serving. Garnish as desired. Serves 4.
Grinch Juice - Pots and Pins
1/2 cup Sprite or 7-Up
1 scoop, about 1/4 cup, Lime Sherbet
1 to 2 drops green food coloring
Optional for serving: green sprinkles, green straws, whipped cream
Put Sprite into a tall clear glass, add lime sherbet and food coloring. Stir to combine, mixture will foam up a bit - all Grinchs love foam! Serve immediately.
Serving options: Dip the rim of the glass into a shallow bowl of water, just to wet it, then dip into green sprinkles. Add Sprite, sherbet and top with more sprinkles and or whipped cream.

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