Having missed last month's quilt meeting I was very excited to welcome the girls to my home this month - I missed seeing them and all of their creations!! There was a lot of chatter, many things to get caught up on...someone lost 40 pounds, several of us claimed to have found them, someone had foot surgery, someone had a wedding, someone bought a truck...life is full of surprises! Of course, we also saw some great quilts...
This month was Neva's turn to receive blocks. She asked for Christmas blocks - any size - and as you can see she got a variety! Love that sweet snowman applique!
Stephanie made the purple and green stripped quilt for Project Linus - someone will love this when it's finished! Stephanie brought in her quilted Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt - it is so, so pretty! She bought the top at Value Village and Terry quilted it for her - if I remember right it was pretty stretched out in a few spots so quilting it could not have been fun...but Terry is a master and you can't tell where it was stretched...it's just plain wonderful!
This is Marsha's creation...a gift for a family friend. It is now all quilted and bound and it's so perfectly pieced it almost looks like a panel! Nicely done Marsha!
Speaking of panels...the little dresses are from one. Marsha purchased a big supply of that panel a long time ago and every now and then she cranks out another adorable quilt using the dresses as blocks...my Elsa would sure love one of those quilts...if only I knew where to get me some of those dress blocks...
Sometimes a fabric is just too pretty to cut up...and this Kaffe fabric is one of those. Lori added borders and will make this a whole-cloth quilt - it will be stunning!! This is one of those pictures that screamed to be cropped...but then you wouldn't have been able to see the wall that didn't get painted or the crutches or the bags...this just might serve as motivation for the mister to finally get the living room wall, that was patched SEVEN MONTHS ago painted!!!
Lori made this. It's amazing. Truly amazing. She said she spent five years on the applique...every border block is hand-appliqued with very intricate details! I regret not taking more pictures but when this quilt comes back - quilted and bound, I'll get more - you just can't believe the work!! Way to go Lori!
Helen's grandson returns this week from a two year mission in England. Her daughter Michelle (Hi Michelle! We MISS you!!!) made this quilt for her son and Helen brought it in to show us. Those flags are from a panel - who'd have thunk?! Very cool - I'm sure he will love it! And congrats to him for serving and to mom and grandma for supporting (letting him go!)...two years is a long time go without seeing the boy...speaking of...I haven't seen my boy for two weeks!!! Pretty much the same thing...two years/two weeks...yep, best be lighting a fire under him to come see his mom!
This beauty is Helen's...her use of color is always so fascinating...happy, happy, happy!
Jenny made these adorable placemats - the "whiskers" lift up on so a napkin can be slipped under on one side and silverware on the other - what kid wouldn't like setting the table using these?! So cute Jen!! And good luck this weekend at the Block Party Quilt Show in Issaquah...I know you have a quilt entered!
Ardith made this quilt for her 15 year old grand-daughter. Some of those blocks read a bit yellow, but that's just from poor lighting. Her grand-daughter picked out the fabric so she is sure to love this quilt! And the quilting is beautiful!
Neva made this sweet table runner as a donation for the Eastlake High School Bazaar. Two leaf blocks and a border - simple, easy and very do-able!! This would make a cute gift!
And finally, this last quilt was made by Denise. You've seen it before but now it's beautifully quilted and bound - nicely done Denise!
After our show and tell we had a monster lunch! Roasted Cauliflower and Garlic Soup (not shown) Brussel Sprouts and Greens with Warm Bacon Dressing Salad, Deviled Eye-ball Eggs, Pimento Cheese Sandwiches and a Caramel and Toasted Pecan Tart for dessert (also not shown). Since I usually host the October meeting, the girls have dined at my Halloween table many times...so this year I wanted to surprise them with something different. I think they all got a kick out of Frank - who is a dead ringer for the mister!
I inserted two long rectangular boxes into the legs of a pair of clean, old jeans, which were slit to make room for them. I used a bunch of parsley to cover one box, and the parsely held the deviled eye-ball eggs in place so they didn't slide around. I used cooked spaghetti to cover the other box, and once it was dry, it held the pimento cheese sandwiches. A clean shirt was stuffed with newspaper and then a plastic cauldron was buttoned-up into place - it held the salad. Frank, needless to say, was very cooperative, he hardly made a move!
After the ladies left I was a bit sad...it all ended too soon! I managed to rally in time for the trick or treaters and while we didn't have very many, maybe only 20 or so, it was a very fun Halloween. The Slaughterhouse has now been dismantled - all ghosts, goblins and ghouls have been boxed up and put away until next year...well, except for the mister.