Listen up! If you haven't made pesto, and you don't know what you're missing - let me tell you, you're missing a lot! Pesto is great tossed with pasta, mixed into a salad, on top of bread, spread over fresh tomatoes...that's a real treat and it's SUPER EASY to make!
My good friend Karon of Larder Love has written this beautiful little book that can be yours with one click, well, maybe two, but you'll get it really fast because it's an eBook!
There are so MANY recipes in her book (over 75!) that sound so good I've decided to try to make them all...and so far, every pesto recipe I've made has been out of this world delicious!
Before the sun sets, before Summer takes the last bit of sun and fun, before you forget, click here to get your own copy of this beautiful book (the above pics are from Karon, as you can see she knows how to use a camera! ) know I wouldn't lead you astray, this one's a keeper!