Don't be fooled by the title - this is serious game day food! Real football fans eat Hot Chicken Salad until it's gone and then they wish for more! Put this on your game day menu - it's a keeper!
The mister and I had quite an adventure the other day...we woke to a sunny day and I was determined that we were going to have some fun outside, in the sun, on the beach. We headed to Discovery Park in Seattle, just look at the mister in that picture enjoying himself on the beach- by the time we arrived it was cloudy, cold and windy, he could not have been less amused! And to make matters worse, we couldn't drive right up to the beach but rather had to hike down to it - 1.8 miles of hiking downhill through forest trails to get to the beach and 1.8 miles hiking back up those same forest trails. Perhaps that was why the mister was in a foul mood when we returned to the manse...or maybe it was my fault - maybe I'm the one who sent him over the edge because I happened to mention the kitchen faucet when we got home. The one he fixed while I was out of town - the one that won't turn so I can use it in the big sink, it only works over the little sink. The mister immediately took exception to what I said, went into a complete verbal eruption, which I like to call his Vesuvius impersonation, and spouted on and on about how something went wrong and he had to get a part. He fixed the sink two weeks long is one supposed to be relegated to one small kitchen sink while a big sink sits waiting for water?!? So I fired him up and one thing led to another and his foulness was out of control...he didn't have time to "get up in there", it's on his list (who knew he had a list?!?!), he needed a part - great - um, while you're getting the part could you please pick up whatever you need to fix the bathroom faucet? And with that my friends, Vesuvius met Etna..."I already fixed that sink! What are you talking about?!? It works fine!!!" Yes, um, it does me cray-cray but I just don't happen to like having my breasts sprayed with water while I'm washing my hands!" His answer? Don't wash your hands!
After our fun day at the beach, including the miracle that enabled us to make it back up the trail to our car without requiring oxygen or paramedics, and all of our stimulating conversation, I needed a drink! But I don't drink so I reached for the next best thing, Hot Chicken Salad - it's one of my very favorite comfort foods! It can be on the table, ready to eat in about 30 minutes...long enough to allow certain individuals time to calm down and write out a shopping list for Home Depot! If you like cold chicken salad you'll love this! Celery, pimentos, green onion, water chestnuts and slivered almonds...topped with cheddar cheese and potato chips! That just made you smile, didn't it? Crunchy, creamy, salty, cheesy - oh there's chicken in it, too!
Using a cooked rotisserie chicken is why this is such a quick week-night dinner. It bakes in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes, just long enough so the cheese can melt and everything is heated through - and then it's ready to dish. I do so love this for dinner but I also love it cold the next day for lunch - like any normal chicken salad! And I know you will, too! Plus - this is a crowd pleaser - and it's perfect for the big game...Seahawk fans (they're goin' to the Super Bowl!) will scarf this up - one heaping scoop at a time!
Hot Chicken Salad - Pots and Pins
3 cups cooked chicken, shredded
2 1/2 cups celery, finely sliced
1 tablespoon lemon juice
4 green onions, finely sliced
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 1/2 cups mayonnaise
1 can (8 oz.) sliced water chestnuts
1 cup slivered almonds, toasted
1 jar (4 oz.) diced pimento, drained
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup crushed potato cheese
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a large bowl combine the chicken, celery, green onions, water chestnuts, almonds and pimento. In a small bowl combine the mayonnaise, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Pour mayonnaise mixture over chicken mixture and mix well. Spread into a 11x9-inch baking dish. (Or you can just mix it all in your baking dish, which is what I usually do.) Top with grated cheddar cheese then top the cheese with crushed potato chips. Bake in 400 degree oven for 20 to 25 minutes.