Where is the time going?!? It can't possibly be two weeks till Christmas?! I'm like a chicken without it's head, spinning my wheels, treading water, running around in circles...got the picture? So much to do, so little time and then I do this - I retreat to my office and decide to write a post...because the chaos will be there waiting for me when I leave my sanctuary...so for now, let's just look at a few quilts and forget that the Christmas Clock is ticking!
Every now and then a quilter springs from her rut and decides the time is right to finish something or in this case, Stephanie decided it was time to finish a lot of somethings! Above is one of her scrap quilts - made from tiny pieces of fabrics that I would have thrown in the trash - but just look what she did with them!
Stephanie finished this pink quilt - which I think was made from Helen's left-overs...the center blocks are all randomly pieced - which makes this so interesting.
Another one of Stephanie's masterpieces or should I say master-piecing? The centers of the blocks were scraps that had been thrown in the trash - resuscitated by Stephanie into this amazing quilt. I've shown you this quilt top before - but now it's done - completed - another quilt finished...gee, I wonder how that feels?!?! As you know, we like to show our quilts every step of the way...blocks to flimsy to finish...it's such a long process that we forget in between showings!
And the Lost Socks Quilt makes another appearance! This is Stephanie's version - and I love how it turned out. We made this quilt as a group - traded fabrics/socks - and so all of our quilts are the same, yet different. It's always fun to see and "old friend." Four quilts from Stephanie...what an over-achiever! I'm so jealous!
IThese little coasters make great Christmas gifts - they are quick and easy to whip up so if you need a last minute gift, give these a go! I think Neva made them...or maybe Denise...can't remember, sorry! Our meeting was 3 week ago! I can't remember what happened 3 days ago...oh wait, I can, we went on the Snow Train...I'll tell you all about that just as soon as I get over being stuck on a train for 7 hours! But back to the coasters - whoever made them, great job!
Jenny brought in her "circle" quilt - love the red and cream - and love the circles randomly placed! Jenny recently won 2nd place with a beautiful quilt in the Block Party Quilt Show - I'm sorry I don't have a picture of that quilt to show you but hopefully I'll get one next month!
Get your glasses and take a really close look at this - or better yet, click on the pics to enlarge them...Helen finished her red cross quilt and it's all hand quilted! HAND-quilted! In a word? Stunning!
Lori just got this back from being quilted by Terry...beautiful job! The quilting is doubled...there's a name for it but dang if I can remember what it is!
This beautiful blue and white quilt is so pretty...I think Lori made it (?) and I'm pretty sure Terry quilted it...but I could be wrong on both counts. I don't own one blue quilt - oh maybe I do - can't remember, but this is one I would love to have...it speaks to me!
Terry made this snowman quilt - hand embroidered to perfection. I love the vintage-looking snowmen...so cute!
Isn't this a darling block? Neva made four of them with her other quilt group...she isn't sure what she's going to do with them - a table runner would be great! I love the embroidered steam - nicely done Neva!
Jenny made this quilt as a wedding gift - and it has signatures all over it - check out her border - it's pretty amazing! This quilt reminds me of lattice - pie lattice! Yum!
Janet made this quilt - it's SO cool! I love the sashing - looks pretty difficult but really it's just strips with a triangle sewn onto one end...simple! This would be so, so nice to find under the tree on Christmas morning...hint, hint!
That's it - another quilt group meeting come and gone. Our annual Quilt Group Christmas Extravaganza and Gift Exchange is coming up soon - we have rules set in stone about gifts...only hand-made or store bought! Ha! In the meantime I'm trying desperately to get a little project finished for the big day...wish me luck, I need it!
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