This is the cure. Right here - this little unassuming salad - it will make everything better. All that popcorn you ate at the movie? All that chocolate you consumed when no one was looking? All of those long hours dragging in and out of shops looking for the perfect gift for someone who has everything? Yep, this salad will make all of that better - plus, it will help your aching feet, as long as you get off of them while you eat.
Not a fan of kale? Not a fan of brussel sprouts? No won't even know what you're eating because there are three other very important ingredients that make the kale and brussel sprouts more than palatable...fresh fennel, Parmesan cheese and B A C O N. In fact, I should probably have called this Bacon and Cheese Salad - because while the kale and sprouts are the base, the bacon and cheese are the stars...every crunchy-creamy bite...and then there's the bright fresh taste of the fennel - suprisingly refreshing! The dressing has just a hint of orange juice to make this salad company worthy...heck, I'm going to give it 4 durn dangs on the Dang Meter because of it's curative properties (I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on TV, just here on my blog!)
I'm going to serve this salad with our annual Spaghetti and Meat-a-Ball feast on Christmas day. It's pretty, tasty and semi-healthy and I figure the kale and sprouts will cancel out the sauce and the pasta. I might even toss in some dried cranberries for a bit more Christmasy color!
Santa could benefit from this Brussel-Kale Salad - not that there's anything wrong with the fat man in the red suit, but maybe I'll make up a special batch and leave it out for him on Christmas Eve - it's so good it might even get me an extra gift!
Brussel-Kale Salad - Pots and Pins
6 brussel sprouts, washed, ends cut off and finely sliced
1 bunch kale, washed and dried, thick stems removed, roughly chopped
3 green onions, chopped
1/2 small fennel bulb, thinly sliced
1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
4 slices bacon, cooked crisp, drained on paper-toweling, crumbled (You can use as much bacon as you want, I won't judge. I actually cooked 8 pieces of bacon but I couldn't bring myself to put all 8 in the salad, so I ate 4 pieces first and then put the remaining 4 in the salad.)
1/2 cup dried cranberries, optional but very festive!
For the dressing:
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoons orange juice
salt and pepper to taste
In a large bowl combine all of the salad ingredients and toss to loosen the brussel sprout leaves. In a small bowl combine the vinegar, orange juice and salt and pepper to taste. Slowly add the olive oil while whisking so it becomes incorporated. Pour dressing over salad, toss and serve. Serves 4.
Why yes, those are two pieces of chocolate on the plate - good eyes! I figured after eating all of that healthy kale, fennel and sprouts I needed to balance things out a bit.
One year ago: 12 Days of Christmas in a Bag There's still time to whip up this little gift - because the 12 days of Christmas do not start until December 25th!
Two years ago: Ho-Ho-Ho! Quilters Jewelry Gifts Doesn't one of the quilters in your circle need a new shiny bauble or two? You can easily make her a thimble necklace or a fat-quarter kidding!
Three years ago: Chocolate Snowball Our 3rd favorite Christmas dang good!
Four years ago: Reindeer Aprons These are really quick and easy to make for the Rudolphs in your life!
Five years ago: Thai Chicken Coconut Soup Not really a Christmasy soup but it sure hits the spot after a long day at the mall!
Six years ago: Quilt Group Christmas Extravaganza I think this was the last year our group gave out the most coveted gift in all of quiltdom...the Golden Silver Thimble really should read all about it!