I probably would have been on sensory over-load had the mister not been with me to snap me out of it with comments like this, "Isn't this the same quilt as that one over there?" Um, no, same colors, not the same pattern, but good for you for trying!
Freddy's quilts are very colorful and there does seem to be an infusion of black and white in a lot of the quilts we saw at Island Quilter on Vashon Island, so I can see why the mister was easily confused - or maybe it's because his eyes aren't what they used to be - maybe his eyesight is failing because he can't spray air-freshener without walking into it...yes, you read that right...the mister sprays air-freshener straight out ahead of him and then while he's still spraying he walks straight ahead until he's inhaled a healthy dose and sputters and claims his eyes are burning. There's no explanation for this. He does it all the time. I would encourage him to seek out help for this obvious condition/snydrome, but where does one go for a Spraying Disorder?!?
This was definitely one of my favorites - I love house quilts - what a fun crazy neighborhood that is!
How fun would this quilt be at a picnic on the beach...I have a theory about beach quilts...the busier and more colorful they are, the heavier I can be...I mean, if I were sitting on the quilt above in my swimming suit, would anyone notice my rolls spilling over the top of my suit? The more plain the quilt, the skinnier you have to be...feel free to quote me.
There is nothing simple about the quilts above...really, look at the bigger one, how was that even pieced? Freddy's designs can sometimes be mind-boggling!
This was one of my favorite quilts, too...look at those flowers!!! And the rooster - waaaay cute. I don't know if those black dots are sewn on or if that's fabric...should have looked closer but I could barely get past the flowers - they are amazing! And that border!!!
Another beautiful flower quilt - the details in the quilting are pretty awesome - hope you can make them out.
Three initials came to mind when I saw this quilt...LSD, not to be confusd with LDS...seriously. Wild, man, totally rad, like dude, where did she come up with this stuff?!
Now this one above I love...call me crazy, but it's a bit more calm, no? Yes, it's blurry, dang photographer! Maybe I should spray some Febreeze and walk into it before I pick up my camera?
Now this quilt is my second all-time favorite quilt of Freddy's...I love the colors, love the baskets, love the pin-wheel border...love, love, love it!
Autumn leaves like I've never seen before! (There isn't a green border around this quilt, that's another quilt hanging behind.) I would love to use that quilt on my Thanksgiving table! Now that's a conversation starter!
You are probably thinking I've posted this picture twice - you're wrong - but if you want to go back to yesterday's post just to double check - go ahead, I'll wait. And even if I had posted twice, it would have been worth a second look - all of Freddy's quilts are worth at least that!
Another crazy-mixed up village! See the school bus? How cute is that?!? I want to live in that town!
When I asked the mister what he thought of the quilt above, he said, "I can't tell, my eyes are bleeding!" What a comedian...he continued with, "If I stare at it much longer I'm going to puke." I get to listen to stuff like that on a daily basis - you'd think he was 4 years old. I tried to get him to just go sit in the corner but he refused, I think he was intimidated by all the bolts of fabric that surrounded us because he said, "A person could get lost in here, covered up in fabric and never be found for years!" If only...
I've saved the best for last...really, this is my real favorite Freddy quilt. Trees!! Red and green and Christmas all over - at least to me...this quilt, with it's "flying geese" border is definitely my favorite...think I might have to make myself one - or maybe I'll make one for the mister so when he goes in for an eye-exam he can say his eyes bleed from looking at bright and crazy quilts because I know there is NO way he'd ever confess to walking into air-freshener!
After we left Island Quilter we drove onto the ferry and while the mister walked around the deck, I scrolled through my phone and looked at the pictures I took, hoping they would show just how wonderful Freddy's quilts are. My camera just didn't do them the justice they deserve but lucky for you, if you live in the Seattle area or are visiting soon, the Freddy quilts will be at Island Quilter until December 4th - so there's still time for you to see them in person!
Thanks to Island Quilter for the wonderful exhibit - plus their shop has the best selection of fabrics this side of the Atlantic!
Thanks to Freddy Moran for her inspiration and creativity! I'll never look at lime green fabric in the same way!
Thanks to Helen and Stephanie who told me about Freddy, making me a fan for life!