The first frenzied hour in the kitchen is over...the birds are in the roasters and now I can kick back until 2-ish when it will be time to fly into action so everything is done by feasting time. The mister handled the removal of parts from the birds, because that's his job, and then he deftly duct-taped the rock on top of one of the roasters so the lid would stay down...the 23 pound bird is about 3 pounds too big! We have to do this every year...why can't someone make a roaster to handle a BIG bird?!?
Usually the week before Thanksgiving is a combination of wind storms, heavy rain, flooding and power outages but this week we've been blessed with SUN and mild temps! Looking out my kitchen window the thermometer is already at 50 degrees! That's almost summer weather!
There are already kids in the park behind us playing football...sure hope no one gets hurt this year, last year someone was carted off in an ambulance...probably some 50 year old who was trying to prove something!
My table is set with all kinds of crappola...but it's all stuff I love! My Pilgrim ships some kids made for me a while back, filled with nuts and seeds, to remind us of what the Pilgrims had to eat that first Thanksgiving...or not...I realize that's a stretch but whatever, I'm all about the stretch! My gold flatware was a gift from a former neighbor - thanks Fred! I love it and use it often - Fred bought it in Thailand many years ago and I think of him every time I get it out. Also on the table, my little yellow-flowered plates, they were a gift from my mom about 20 years them! And her! It just doesn't seem like a holiday without having my parents here to help me decide whether to add more butter or not! The crystal candlesticks - the big fat ones - were a gift from my daughter and SIL 13 years ago...beautiful, no? And let me tell you about my amber colored glasses...what a steal they were!! They are a reproduction of a pilsner glass that was made in 1776...and they were reproduced in 1976 for the Bicentennial...I found them all on ebay and decided the mister would like them for his birthday, which was conveniently one week before Thanksgiving...he was not as thrilled as I had hoped ("Just what we need, more glasses!) but I'm tickled to have them on our table! They will be filled with Martinelli's - mocktails for Thanksgiving - it's the new black. Also on my table are little orange bowls - that's for the homemade cranberry sauce - thanks to Martha Stewart and Macy's for those!
We moved furniture around and brought in the table from our deck so we would have plenty of room for everyone - 14 adults and one beautiful baby - it's going to be fun! I have to thank my neighbors Linda and Lorelle for providing me with my "centerpieces"...I clipped boxwood at Linda's house - trimming her bushes gave me plenty of filler for my little crystal glasses/vases...which were a gift from Jan and Larry Brown about 12 years ago - thanks Jan - love you and Larry and hope you're having a great day! The orange berries came from Lorelle's bush in her front yard - I clipped them the other night in the dark, used the headlights on my car so I could see what I was doing...they add color and everyone can see over them! My plates are a mixture...I have a set of 12 Queen's Myott Turkey Plates but I decided it was rather boring to use them a couple of years ago I started collecting brown transferware - every other plate is from an antique's much more interesting, don't you think?
We couldn't fit in the dining room - I tried moving the table at an angle, corner to corner, and adding card tables to fit everyone but they would be like prisoners - once seated they would not be able to move. Having everyone in the kitchen was the only way to make things work - and people like being in the kitchen, right? In my next life I'm going to have a huge dining room!
Only the pies are in the dining room...Pumpkin, of course, Pecan Coconut, Chocolate Cream and Raspberry-Cherry - plus Julie is bringing her famous apple pie with rum sauce! That should finish everyone off nicely! Still need to whip the cream...I have 2 quarts - do you think that's enough? Notice my rug? That was a gift from my parents - they bought it in Turkey a long time ago's so beautiful and I have loved having it here - reminds me of them. Can you tell I'm missing them?!?
I'm so thankful for this wonderful holiday and the chance we have as a nation to gather together with family and friends to give thanks for all of our blessings - we certainly have a lot of them. I'm so thankful to live in this country, to live in Washington state, to have family and friends to love who have enriched our lives over and's almost enough to make me humble! (Our little Caesar-Beezer-The-Wonder-Dog agreed to pose in exchange for a drumstick.) I've got just enough time to read through the paper (it weighed a ton today!) and plan some shopping strategies for tomorrow before I head back into the kitchen to finish up our feast! I wish you all a happy and safe holiday and remember to save room for pie!