Kids, heads need to add this burger to your hit list! The mister said, "This one is a keeper!" And you know he never says things like that! It's got everything you love about burgers and then there's Black Forest Ham...I know, I know, why didn't we think of that?!? Oh, and the ham is sizzled in bourbon. I'm telling your straight, this is one dang fine burger.
Now, to get the low-down on just how to make this Burger-of-the-Gods, because let's be clear, that should be the name of this burger), head on over to Nibble Me This - always my go-to-source for anything on the grill. I love the way Chris spells everything out - right down to the second - so there's no chance my version will be different from his. Chris also has great tips...season the lettuce and tomatoes before putting them on the burger...duh! And his step-by-step directions will make you feel like a Jedi-Grill Master, if only in your own mind. For once the mister was spot-on...this one is a keeper! Thanks Chris!