Heads up Seattle People! I have something for you to add to your summer "Must DO" list! Get yourselves on over to the Bellevue Arts Museum (BAM) so you can see Stephanie Allgood's CD Weavings on display! I've told you about Stephanie before...she's a dear friend and a member of my quilt group...and she's an artist - obviously! Stephanie saw an idea for using old CD's and she ran with it! Stephanie teaches art classes to kids and over the last several months her classes have been busy weaving yarn over old CD's.
Stephanie brought her CD's to our quilt group many times to show us what she was working on...but I don't think any of us could have guessed that one day they would be hanging in a museum! Several members of our quilt group made CD's for Stephanie's project, too, including Yours Truly...I made 9 of those CD's, the red and white one above is one of mine...it's the only one I could recognize! So yes, you could say I have some of my work hanging in an art museum...you could say that, over and over, to anyone who will listen, I certainly won't mind!
(Sorry for the blurry pic - pictures are not allowed in the BAM, however, the docent said since Stephanie was a friend I could take pictures with my cell phone...the docent said nothing about me sharing them here on my blog!) The mister and I went to the BAM two weeks ago to see the exhibit and found it wasn't quite ready to be seen - part of it was still on the floor! But it is now properly displayed and it's beautiful!
All kinds of yarn was used. Once the "spokes" were wrapped through the center of the CD to the outside, the yarn was woven over and under the spokes to fill in the CD - it's a very fun and easy project for kids...and those of us with mostly thumbs. I don't remember how many Stephanie collected/made, I think well over 500!
This will be displayed through September and then I'm not sure what Stephanie has planned for it...maybe it will be donated to a school or a corporation? It's just so cool...doesn't it make you want to go through your old CD's and grab some yarn?!?