There was nothing on Monday night that we wanted to watch, so I grabbed the remote and tuned into The Bachelor...only my 2nd time seeing the show...but it was riveting! SO.MUCH.DRAMA! The kissing, the canoodling, the romantic trysts and turns and then the devastation of Sean having to say good-bye to one of the THREE women he had fallen in love with...and the mister said, "Next year I should be The Bachelor, then there would be REAL entertainment!" (I'm sure my sister just threw up a little bit in her mouth...) Let's examine the mister's statement:
a) The mister momentarily forgot he was already married and therefore wouldn't qualify as The Bachelor. (And just how does one forget something like that?!?!?!)
b) The mister let the cat out of the bag and plans to be a bachelor next year. (Possibly. Probably. Definitely a maybe. Especially when he says stupid things. Positively. Which would make ME a bachelorette!)
c) The mister is delusional and in need of a lobotomy and/or exorcism.
d) All of the above in which case the mister has a death wish.
The correct answer is 'd'.
There, now that that's out of the way, let's get to the quilts...what a meeting we was every bit as entertaining as The Bachelor, except no bikini's were worn, there were no moonlit swims and no spit was exchanged...
But we did have beautiful women and delicious food and fascinating conversation and jaw-dropping bags!! Our group is having a sew day where we are going to make ourselves some "quilt-toting bags". Helen brought in some of her bags for inspiration...the bag above was made with "orphan blocks"...I NEVER have orphan blocks lying around!! It's so bright and happy and we all loved it...but I don't think we'll have time to make this kind of bag at our sew day...maybe just in our dreams!
Here are two more of Helen's bags, these aren't as big as the one pictured above, but adorable none-the-less. The bag on the left was made with a charm pack! The bag on the right was made with pre-quilted fabric - clever, no?
This is one of Helen's creations...she said she wasn't crazy about it, but I think she's crazy! It's wonderful! And different! And just look at all of those colors and her border and binding! It's all just a little bit of wonderful!
Here's a close-up of the border, binding and the backing fabric. Now tell me, would you ever pick those fabrics? I am always in such a "quilting rut" that I wouldn't, but in my next life, when I'm no longer in a rut, I will!!
Another Helen quilt...scrappy and fun and the pic on the right shows her backing for this beautiful quilt - now how cute is that?!?
Denise brought in these little pieced hearts she is making...I think she said she is going to make a table runner with these - but wouldn't an entire quilt be wonderful?!? There's something about black and red quilts that "speak" to me...Denise is our resident paper-piecer but these are not paper-pieced! (I personally think Denise should keep making these blocks until she has enough for a big quilt...I LOVE seeing my friends make intricate quilts - because I would never do it!) We have a new group "honor" project because we are really not accountable for doing it - like having to bring blocks each month for someone, those have to be done, but our project is really just a theme...Where the Heart Is...and we can interpret that any way we want, and make a runner or a quilt or whatever and we are supposed to have it done by June...but without any real motivation I'm wondering how many of us will do it? Okay, I'll fess up, I'm wondering if I will do it!
Marsha made this darling strip quilt and believe it or not, she said it was really HARD for her! She likes to sew things that line up nice and even, so sewing by the seat of her pants was not something she is used to...of course, that's how I sew everything so I thought this quilt was great! I think she made this for her neice?
Marsha made this quilt for her sister, and she is machine-quilting it herself. I've shown it before but it is definitely worth a 2nd look. Nicely done!
The quilt above was made by Marsha's dear friend, who passed away two weeks ago after an 8-year long battle with cancer. Her friend made this quilt for her grandson and she was trying to get it finished to give to him before she passed away. Marsha saw the quilt when she went to visit the family and told them she would get it finished for her, she just needs to sew the binding on, as the quilting has been done. It's made from cute cowboy fabric and you just know that little grandson will cherish this quilt! Marsha, as they say, is always building her mansion in Heaven! (And her mansion will be one of the nicest one's there, no doubt!)
Stephanie brought in her Halloween circle quilt, now finished. It's such a wonderful quilt - there's something about a circle quilt, no? She also brought in this scrappy pink quilt, made from teeny-tiny scraps that were left over from something...she is the Queen of Scraps! I do love the pink - and what a great Valentine quilt it could be!
If I'm not mistaken, this quilt was made from "ugly fabrics." Not my words!! All scrappy squares pieced together into one fabulous quilt - and check out her borders, they are great! I love this quilt - scrappy "speaks" to me, too!
These are two of Stephanie's've seen them both before, but they were definitely worth a 2nd look - and hopefully even a 3rd! The quilt on the left is a baby quilt...adorable, fun, contemporary and smart! The quilt on the right was made from scraps left over from another project - I love the combination of colors and random patterns...Stephanie is a real artist and her quilts always reflect her artistic eye!
Terry is making this Japanese Kimono quilt for a friend - the blocks aren't finished yet, she still has the head part to add, but I wish you could see the workmanship, Terry is just a master! This is going to be a beautiful quilt!
Another quilt by Irish Chain that is as beautifully quilted as it is pieced. Terry also pieced stars in the borders, Terry is also the queen of "special touches" that personalize her quilts. Got to love that! I love the colors of the reds she used, how they go from light to dark...this is a stunning quilt in person!
Terry is so busy with her machine-quilting business (Stitchophrenic - email her for a quote: [email protected] - she does incredible work!) that I don't know when she finds the time to quilt for herself! But she does!! She made this sweet Valentine quilt, which takes care of her "group project", as this answers the theme question of "Where the Heart Is!" After piecing this quilt she decided to embellish it - it's very fun! She's got pom-poms, yo-yos, buttons and bows - very, very girly!
Barbara made this sweet Valentine quilt, which can also go under the group there's at least three of them that met the goal! I love this quilt, love the hearts and the choice of colors - it's warm and wonderful! Way to go Barbara! (Oh, in the background you can see the back of Terry's Valentine quilt!)
Yours truly also had a quilt to show...but the binding is not sewn on yet so I'm going to wait until it's completely finished before I show you, but I LOVE IT!!! So that's it - wasn't that a great show?!? Our group is always inspiring and I come home from out meetings just itching to get into my workroom and create something...but then the laundry calls or the kitchen screams or the mister insists that I do some actual work at work...but every now and then I manage to sneak in a few minutes at the machine...and little by little things get done! The sun is out skies and no's a rarity around here so instead of sewing I might have to drive over the bridge and head into the city...there's nothing like a sunny day in Seattle! Hope it's sunny where you are!