Part One left off with the mister and I arriving back to Sacramento for our friend's open house... I'm going to post about that event separately because there is just SO much to show and tell! Today though, I want to tell you about our trip home...
After three jammed -packed days in California it was time to leave. Sunday morning we packed up the rig and hit the road at 8:00 a.m. After a few stops (Corning, the Olive Capital of California, where we bought everything olive; then Redding, where I had a quick 20 minute reunion with my cousin, then Shasta where we stopped for lunch!) and half a day's drive, we made it to the turn off for Crater Lake...two hours off the highway, through winding forest, with me whining about how far it was and why did we need to see another lake...and then we arrived. Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the country - and, arguably, the most beautiful. I was once again eating my words, in between utterances of how magnificent the scenery was...actually, I was almost speechless - the view was breath-taking! It was worth the drive - and then some.
From the top of the rim we could look down on the lake - about a 1,000 feet below - the water a constant icy blue - and it's about 38 degrees! That's Wizard Island, we were told you can take a small boat over to explore - we didn't do that - I opted to explore the gift shop and Lodge instead.
It was a bit breezy and cold walking along the rim of the ancient volcano - we made our way down to the Interpretative Center, a walk through learning center with spectacular views...I interpreted all I could in about 3 minutes...I was on information overload.
STAY ON TRAIL...there was no where to go but down! And there were signs everywhere that said "Falling can cause serious injury!" Duh. A very cute trolley operates between the Lodge and the rim and it passed by us just as the mister bent down to pick up a few rocks for his collection, a no-no in a national park, you're not supposed to take anything! He quickly dropped them...I think he collects rocks because he has them in his head...
If you haven't been to Crater Lake, GO! It's worth the trip! The entire trip from I-5 to Crater Lake and back added 5 we didn't get home until 1:30 in the morning...bleary-eyed and exhausted but all in all, it was a very fun trip. The picture below is the beautiful valley just below the north side of the rim, it was covered with little red-leafed plants, making it look like a red carpet. The mister suggested we take more road trips...I don't know how many more words of mine I can we'll see!