In a week where there was not one minute of extra time, between working, studying/going to class (sto imparando a parlare Italiano), and being a dutiful wife and mother (that is my new mantra, I begin each morning telling myself to be dutiful and then I burst out laughing), I surely did not have time for a baby shower or time to make things for the shower! Don't you find when you do something for the right reasons that things always seem to fall into place? I might have lost a bit of sleep, but in the wee hours of the night/morning, I managed to crank out a few things I thought would make the shower more personal and fun...a saner person would have speed dialed her therapist for a quick head examination!
These are an "oldie-but-goodie" kind of sock roses - roll up one sock, secure end with a piece of wire and stick into an arrangement. I don't think anyone noticed them, but I thought they were pretty cute - and then, before the new mom-to-be left, I pulled them out and gave them to her.
Drool cloths are a necessity with a new baby - they spit, they leak, they do unspeakable things! One can ever have too many cloth diapers on hand to dab a sweet little chin. Little onesies are made so much nicer with a few purchased appliques sewn on - five minutes to cuteness, well worth it! I used the diapers and onesies as place-mats...they all needed to be laundered before being used on the baby so I figured it was okay! I gave them to the new mom after dinner...for her to wash!
We've had such wonderful weather - by far the best two months I can remember! Only one day of rain in all that time - late September and we dined outside - truly a rare thing! (Just in case you plan to visit Seattle, September is THEEEE month to come!) I served Tomato Pie, salad with Avocado Caesar Dressing (recipe up soon) and Sweet Cream Corn Muffins with Cinnamon Honey Butter followed by Creme Brulee (recipe for this up soon, too!) Simple food that seemed to hit the spot on what was probably the last of our summer!
"Baby girls are born with sugar in them but to raise them to be strong and smart they need a little salt!" My guests left with a little bottle of orange-colored Hawaiian Sea Salt, which I found at World Market and the bottles came from Ben Franklin.
The mom-to-be looked like she stuffed a balloon under her shirt! She is SO tiny everywhere else - only a month or so left to go! I should have taken pictures of the lovely gifts she was given - my friends went overboard and showered her with beautiful things - we all love her very much! But alas, I only have a picture of what I gave her..a little circle quilt for the new babe -
The binding had not been sewn down by the time of the shower - so I couldn't send it home with the guest of honor, but now it's done (thank you Marsha for coming to my rescue and sewing on the binding!) I can't wait to see this new baby, hopefully wrapped up in her little quilt! Love you Becca! Just remember that millions and millions of women have given birth and lived to tell the tale...and it's okay to swear!!