You know I love a good find...my house is full of crappola from garage/estate/sidewalk sales...old stuff speaks to me! One of my favorite treasure-hunting trips was going to the annual Farm Chicks Show in Spokane, Washingon - a veritable fairground full of fabulous stuff! This year's show promises to be just as fun - and bigger - so if you can, plan to be there - you won't be sorry!
If you have been to The Farm Chicks Show, then you know the brains behind it is Serena Thompson, who has more talent in her little finger than Bayer has Aspirin! Serena also has a blog, which I read daily for a dose of inspiration and creativity...she has that in spades, too! You must go read her post about the best TEN CENTS she ever spent...which turned into big $$$...that sort of thing never happens around here!
Serena has so many irons in the fire, I never would have thought she'd add to the blaze - but she did! She has a new website...so while you're surfing today, be sure to check out My Favorite Find, you'll want to bookmark it so you can stop in daily - it is a very fun site!

Who doesn't love a good find?!? And isn't the best thing about a find sharing it?!? Watching your friends turn green with envy because you are the proud owner of a spinning wheel with an attached pole lamp and lamp shade that could double as an umbrella or bomb shelter?!? Yes, that was not one of my better finds, my friends still give me grief over it!!

My questions are in black, Serena's answers are in blue:
1. You have a family, you have a career (several it seems, you write, put on the Farm Chicks Show, have just launched a new business, etc.,) and you have extended family and friends, so how do you have the time to fit it all in? How do you balance your life?
People ask me this all the time and I guess somehow it just works. I feel like I have a lot of hours in the day and am able to squeeze a lot in.
I typically start my work day when the boys leave for school and then try and wrap things up before they come home. And I try to keep anything Farm Chicks/work related in my office so that I don't see something that reminds me of work or pulls me away from what I'm doing at home.
2. What motivates you in the morning? What fires up your right brain and makes you want to create? Is it something you see, something you taste, something you smell?
I rely heavily on exercise. I try to get my workouts done in early in the morning. I can honestly feel the clouds lift off my brain when I have a good workout.
3. If money is taken out of the picture, would you still do what you do?
I'm not sure about that. If my business wasn't making money, that would mean people weren't enjoying what I do and there wouldn't be any value to the community. I think it'd be hard to carry on if what I did wasn't embraced.
4. If someone were to walk in your shoes, what kind of shoes would they wear (running shoes? high heels?) and would their feet be tired at the end of the day?
haha. I wear many shoes! Lately, I've been loving flats, so your feet would feel pretty good!
5. You have an entire day to yourself and a wallet bursting with cash...what do you do?
Most days I'd head out to my favorite antiques shoppes, but some days I might want to go look for a cute dress. But maybe it's just me.... whenever I have cash, it seems like I can't find anything I want to buy. And then when I don't, I want everything I see.
6. What would be the title of your life's story?
Her Happy Life
7. I personally don't believe in regrets, but there are a few things I'd like to do over...how 'bout you? Anything you'd do over?
I always say I wish I could start over with my children, to soak in the time more than ever before and to use the wisdom I've gained over the years as a parent. I think moms are that way.
8. When your mind wanders, where does it go? What is it you want to do next?
My mind is a very zig-zaggy place. I sort of remind myself of the crazy old lady we all encounter sometime in our life who is talking about something and then she veers off onto something else and so on. I have a hard time turning my brain off. As far as what I want to do next, Farm Chicks branding. I've been working on a Farm Chicks product line off and on for what feels like an eternity. I'm anxious to see that come to life.
9. Do you shop at The Farm Chicks Show? How could you not?!?
Yes! Some years more than others. This year will be a doozy because we're in our new home and I have a lot things I want to find.
10. On your next trip to Seattle, would you come for brunch? Lunch? Afternoon Tea? Dinner? Dessert?
I'd love to do some sort of meet-up sometime in Seattle. The logistics are always hard with my family, but it does sound fun!
There you have it!! She sounds human, no? I love Serena - in my next life I plan to be her! And as you can surely attest, if need be, because you read it yourself...she'd "love to do some sort of meet-up sometime in Seattle." Be still my heart. If only. Something to live for. Gonna have to hold her to it!
Okay, now off you go - go visit Serena's My Favorite Find - it's WAY fun!
Happy Birthday
and Uncle Keith!
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