I am guest posting over at Sew We Quilt/Stash Manicure - thrilled to have been asked back! And along with my brilliant post (yawn) Madame Samm is giving away a SEWING MACHINE! That's right! So please make sure you head on over and enter to win...oh, tell her Nan sent you, then if you win, I'll win something, too!
Sew...just in case you win a new sewing machine, I thought you might need a new sewing machine cover to go with it!
Sewing Machine Cover:
**2 pieces of fabric that measure 28" x 12" for the outside of your cover
**2 lining fabrics and 2 pieces of batting to measure 28" x 12"
1 piece of coordinating fabric to measure 34" x 6"
1 piece of lining fabric and batting to measure 34" x 6"
binding fabric to measure 3" x 34"
**I measured the height and length of my sewing machine, and I have three sewing machines that I use on a regular basis; they were all within 1-inch of each other in length, so that's how I arrived at the size. Just to be safe, please measure your sewing machine. My cover was made to go over just my machine and not the plastic table that slides on and off. Think about whether or not you want your cover to be big enough to go over something like that, if you have one.
I first picked a darling yellow rooster fabric (fabric is called Metro Market by Ellen Krans for Robert Kaufnam and the black check fabric is called Grande Gingham by Holly Holderman for Lake House Dry Goods...LOVE them SO much!!!) for my cover...sewed it up in a snap and was tickled pink to have it fit so perfectly over my machine...it perked up my entire nerve center/workroom...and it wasn't until I saw the cover in a photo that I noticed the roosters were sideways!! So...IF you are using a directional fabric, please make sure it's going in the right direction! And just because I didn't want you to think I was a total idiot, I made a second cover, and this time the roosters are upright! But, just between you and me, I like the sideways cover best...it's really ME!
You can cut all of your pieces at one time (I'm all about making things quick and easy!) After you have cut your fabric, batting and lining to the size of your machine (measure length and height), round the top two corners, or you could leave them, depending if you want your cover to be squared or rounded...I prefer rounded...since I'm so well rounded!
Pin all three layers of your center strip (outside fabric, batting and lining) to all three layers of one outside set of fabrics, right sides together. If you're not big on pinning like me, at least pin the corners! Sew all around.
Pin the other side of the cover, all three layers, right sides together, and sew all the way around. Trim edges.
Turn right side out...you're almost done and isn't it looking great! (Oh, maybe I should have pressed my fabric before hand, but not to worry, I did press it after!)
Cut your binding strip, fold in half (press if you must) and sew it, right sides together to the bottom of your cover. Now, you can either hand-stitch the binding down or you can do what I did, fold it under and machine stitch it into place...Presto! Change-o! Just like that you've got yourself a beautiful new sewing machine cover!
To make the little loop on top, I took a 6" x 2" piece of binding fabric, folded it, stitched it down the center and then attached it to the top center, to use as a pull...this step is optional but I do like how it looks. I liked my new cover so much that I made another one...now my Kitchen-Aid has one, too!
Now...It's time for a giveaway! If you're visiting my blog from Sew We Quilt/Stash Manicure, then you already knew about my wee little give...Madame Samm can't have all the fun! Besides, I figured it was time...time to give away something you will love and use and smile at every time you take the time to look at it...it's a timely kind of thing...
I'm giving away a Sewing Machine Clock! Isn't it cute?!?! I have one and I just love it! It runs on batteries and has a nice little "tick" - makes my workroom sound alive! It's the perfect size for a sewing room (because who has room for anything more in their sewing room?!?) It's only 5" long and 5" tall and while it's made of resin, it's beautifully crafted!
I have a brand new one just for you...and all you have to do is become a follower of my blog...in my sidebar you'll see the "Follow ME" button, it's brand-spanking new! Just click on it to become a follower (just so you know, I have resisted adding a "follow" button on my blog because it's a little like a "high-school-popularity-contest" and while I really, really want followers, I'm scared spitless that I'll not get any! And then I won't be able to sleep because I won't be followed and now I'll have just one more thing to discuss with the therapist! So save me some time in therapy and click the dang button!!) THEN...leave me a comment on this post telling me your favorite time of day...lunch time? Dinner time? Nap time? Ha! If you're a quilter then you don't have time for naps!
No entries after 9:00 PST Wednesday. Winners annouced Thursday, August 11th
Thanks so much for stopping by!