Sometimes all you need is a taste...two or three spoonfuls instead of a pint (or a vat!)...and if it's two or three spoonfuls of Mango Sorbet in too-cute-to-be-believed hollowed out lime shells, well, then it IS all you need!
This is sorbet making 101...super easy and worth the calories! Of course, you don't have to scoop the mango sorbet into a hollowed-out lime shells, but then, if you don't, you won't hear giggles of delight! Your choice!
First the mango's are pureed in a food processor, then removed to a bowl to wait for their cue. The cream is then whipped into submission and the mango puree is poured into the final twirl around the bowl, or two, and it's ready for the freezer. Now, Grasshopper, patience is while the sorbet is freezing, hollow out your lime shells...reserving the juice for another use. If you're feeling like a lime shell is just not big enough, use an orange! I liked the contrast of the colors with the mango and the lime...remember, looking good is important, too!
I served this to my book club a while back - it was a hit! This makes about 4 cups of sorbet, so you'll have plenty to fill lime shells or bowls...and make sure to stick a piece of mango on top!
Mango Sorbet in Lime Shells - Pots and Pins
12 large limes
2 large, ripe mangoes, peeled and roughly chopped plus one that is peeled and sliced to use as garnish
1 tablespoon cream of coconut
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
1 cup sugar
1 cup plus 1 tablespoon heavy cream
Prepare lime shells. Cut lime top offs, (about 1/3 of the lime) and save for another use. Make a small slice on the "bottom" of the lime so it will sit evenly. Juice the limes, reserve juice for another recipe. Using scissors, cut the membranes and remove and discard. Don't try to remove all of the pulp, just the membranes in the center. Run a spoon along the inside of the lime to remove any remaining juice. Place lime shells into a plastic freezer Zip-lock style bag and freeze overnight.
In the bowl of a food processor or a blender, combine mangoes, cream of coconut, lemon juice and sugar. Process until smooth, about 10 seconds. Remove to a large bowl. Pour heavy cream into food processor bowl or blender (no need to rinse) and process until stiff peaks form. Add mango mixture to whipped cream and process until well combined, about 10 seconds. Pour everything back into large bowl and freeze overnight.
When ready to serve, using a small spoon, scoop out sorbet and push into frozen lime shells. Makes about 4 cups sorbet. You could also use frozen lemon shells or frozen orange shells...or bowls. On a hot, sunny day, there is only one thing better than Mango Sorbet in Lime Shells...