What does it say about a quilter who has 18 Christmas quilts, 10 Halloween quilts, 2 Fourth of July quilts, 2 Valentine quilts, plus dozens and dozens of other sundry quilts but not one Easter quilt? That she's a holiday quilt freak? Possibly. When the Queen Mum came to visit a few years back, she walked around looking at my quilts and said, "Enough already!" I reminded her that my quilts were a "collection" and I wasn't through collecting yet...she quickly came to her senses...seriously, can one have too many quilts?!?
Bet you think this is MY Easter quilt...I wish! I missed my quilt group meeting last month, it was the day my niece got married, so I wasn't there to see the fabulous quilts - but this was one of them. This is Barbara's Easter quilt - isn't it wonderful?!?
Well, her quilt got me wondering why I didn't have an Easter quilt...and I wanted one! I headed to the fabric store to buy "Easter fabric" only once I got there I talked myself out of it...if Max were coming for Easter and I could wrap him up in one, then that would be different - but since he wasn't coming, I decided I didn't need an Easter quilt.
The very next day my friend handed me this bundle of polka-dot fabrics...apparently I had her order some for me when she was ordering for herself...I have no memory...but I instantly knew what I would do with them...thanks to those infamous words that had been swirling around in my head, "If you make it, they will come!" Isn't that how it goes? So I decided to make an Easter quilt...eggs and bunnies hiding in the grass - that's what I came up with - it was the best I could do with only a Sunday afternoon to work window! Half way through my sewing, the girl called to say they're coming for Easter! So let this be a lesson to you...if you make it, they will come!
As you can see, my Easter quilt is NOTHING like Barbara's...but she did inspire me...and since time is of the essence here, if I have any hope at all of getting this quilted I had to take a few shortcuts - like raw-edge machine applique!
Max will like counting the bunnies and the eggs - and he'll like all of the different colors...and he'll love me sitting next to him with some bunny PEZ - all loaded and ready to eat! He loves Pez!
Now to find the time to quilt this baby before Max arrives! And there will be so much to do when Max finally gets here!
An Easter egg hunt! Coloring the eggs! Eating the heads off the chocolate bunnies! (If you eat the entire body you gain weight.)
Easter is quickly becoming my favorite holiday!