You've heard of people who had their tonsils removed as kids and then as adults they grew back? Well, apparently this can happen with the heart as well! The mister, who we suspect, either had his removed or was born without one, because, well, there's never been any evidence of him having one, now appears to have grown a new one! I offer as proof last night's American Idol program. The mister hates any form of reality TV, and watches only under protest...however, last night he watched those nine contestants belt out their songs and he seemed to enjoy it! Oh don't get me wrong, he was not happily enjoying it...Heavens no! He was, as always, commenting on every little thing, acting as judge and jury and holding his thumbs, either up or down, depending on his review...and then little Miss Pia came along and his tune changed...why, he was downright chipper! And on that last note - the one she held and held and held, I heard with my very own ears, the distinct sound of heart strings being pulled! One cannot pull heart strings if there is no heart! Hope strings eternal!! And then he clapped!! He went on to boo YoListenUpRandyDogg for his comments about her and when Jennyfromtheblock chimed in he booed her as well but he did not boo he is his peer! (I have one more bit of proof to offer but was told, under no circumstances to mention, without going into any details (tears) where you could construe (rolling down his cheeks) on your own what I cannot say...last Friday night we watched the new Howie Mandell reality show with the mob-flash-dancers and the proposal (sniffles) and the wedding gown that could not be buttoned all the way up (pass the tissues) and when I looked at the mister, in the midst of all that staged romanticism, he was (crying) a bit touched (like a small child!!!) I wish I could tell you all about (hysterically funny!) it but I was sworn to secrecy and therefore cannot udder one word!
The mister might not have been SO emotional had he not been primed with this Bacon and Onion Pie for dinner...because it's good enough to humble a maybe all of those emotions weren't really for the dancing groom and his shocked bride? Maybe it was a residual effect from this pie?!? Crispy bacon, carmelized onions, sour cream with a bit of cheese thrown in for good's firm, substantial, filling, and down-home delicious!
Make this one my friends, it's dang good! Good enough to serve for brunch, lunch or dinner, with or without guests...and reheated in the microwave it's dang good the next day as well!
Bacon and Onion Pie - Pots and Pins
2 (9-inch) pie crusts (you will use 1 1/2 of the pie crusts to fill a 9-inch deep dish pie tin)
2 large onions, thinly sliced
1 lb. bacon
6 eggs
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup Swiss cheese, shedded
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Unroll pie crusts. Place one crust in the bottom of a 9-inch deep dish pie tin and push around bottom and up the sides. One crust not enough to cover the pan, so supplement wth the other pie crust, cutting and "glueing" together by dipping your finger into water and pressing to seal. Form a nice ridge around top of pie tin by crimping dough. Put into refrigerator until ready to use.
In a large skillet, cook bacon until crisp. Remove to paper toweling to drain, then crumble bacon and set aside. In the same skillet, cook onions in the bacon grease until browned, about 10 minutes. Remove onions to paper toweling to drain, if necessary, then allow to cool for 10 minutes.
In a large bowl combine eggs, sour cream, salt and papper. Mix with a whisk until blended. Remove pie crust from refrigerator. Spread bacon bits around bottom of pie. Top with onions, spreading evenly. Pour egg mixture over onions. Sprinkle cheese on top. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until top is set and golden in color. Remove from oven and let sit for 10 minutes before cutting into wedges. Makes 8 sevings.
"When I was a boy I was told anybody could become president, now I'm starting to believe it!" ~ Clarence Darrow
One year ago: Quilt Group Friday
Two years ago: Easter Bunny Treats - Carrot Orange Drops
Three years ago: Strawberry-Rhubarb Crumble