"You mean some husbands comment? They say actualy things about the quilts? They don't just raise their eyebrows? Who knew! blessings, marlene"
I just visited Marlene's blog and I LOVE her chicken/rooster quilt! And her bunnies...you all need to check out her work - she's great! And I discovered Marlene lives in Arkansas, don't know where but I used to live in Rogers, Arkansas before escaping! So I kind of feel like we're kindred spirits! Congratulations Marlene!! I know YOUR picnic quilt will be very happy at your house!
Picnic Quilt Winner...
Thanks to everyone who played along!! With the help of Random Generator, I picked a winner...
"You mean some husbands comment? They say actualy things about the quilts? They don't just raise their eyebrows? Who knew! blessings, marlene"
I just visited Marlene's blog and I LOVE her chicken/rooster quilt! And her bunnies...you all need to check out her work - she's great! And I discovered Marlene lives in Arkansas, don't know where but I used to live in Rogers, Arkansas before escaping! So I kind of feel like we're kindred spirits! Congratulations Marlene!! I know YOUR picnic quilt will be very happy at your house!
Being a quilter for over 30 years, I've learned one thing that's for sure (as my good friend Ops - short for Oprah - would say) and that's this: You can't go wrong if you buy too much! You will never be forced to have a "close enough" fabric in a quilt again! I've always said that I make 30-foot quilts - or put another way, quilts that look good from 30 feet away! One day I hope to make "inchers." In the meantime, as I struggle to make points match, I'm happily trying to cover every bed, sofa, and chair in my house with a quilt - that's normal, right?
We may live without poetry, music and art;
We may live without conscience and
live without heart;
We may live without friends;
we may live without books;
But civilized man cannot live without cooks.
He may live without books,
what is knowledge but grieving?
He may live without hope,
What is hope but deceiving?
He may live without love,
What is passion but pining?
But where is the man that can live without dining?
Owen Meredith...or as I like to call him....
The Earl of Sandwich
"You mean some husbands comment? They say actualy things about the quilts? They don't just raise their eyebrows? Who knew! blessings, marlene"