A few years back we had the pleasure of having Thanksgiving dinner with some dear friends, The Canadians, and their extended family. The food was wonderful and we were soon as stuffed as the bird had been...and then it was time for their version of the "turkey trot." Now folks, I'm not a dancer...I would make Bristol Palin look like she deserved to be on DWTS, so imagine my horror when The Canadians told us before we could have dessert we had to tie a seat cushion, fashioned into a cumbersome turkey tail, around our waists and then trot/dance/embarrass ourselves around the center of the room as they all sang Albuquerque Turkey! I played the "guest" card, insisting that I would rather watch this "sweet family tradition" and not "steal their thunder," hoping they wouldn't make me get up...the mister practically jumped at the chance to make a fool of himself...as he is quite experienced in these matters...watching him was hysterical - almost worth the price of admission...which was free! I breathed a sigh of relief when I was "excused" and still allowed to eat dessert...I don't know which would have been worse - pecking my way around the room or missing dessert!
I'm quite certain pretending to be a dancing turkey is a crazy Canuck tradition...as I've never met an American who does the turkey trot (met plenty who do the "trot" AFTER stuffing themselves with dinner, though!) I got this "recipe" from them...I've also seen it on-line and in magazines - and you probably have it already as it's been around a while but it's a fun little treat to give to your restless turkeys before the feast.
*You can find Bugles in the chips section of the grocery store - they are usually available this time of year and they sale-out quickly - so hurry!
Thanksgiving Blessings Mix
*Bugles: Shaped like a cornucopia or Horn of Plenty, a symbol of our nation's abundance.
Pretzels: Arms folded in prayer, a freedom sought by those who founded our country.
Candy Corn: The sacrifices of the Pilgrim's first winter. Food was so scarce that settlers survived on just a few kernels of corn a day.
Nuts or Seeds: Promise of a future harvest, one we will reap only if seeds are planted and tended with diligence.
Dried Fruits: Harvest gifts from our bountiful land.
M & M's: Memories of those who came before us to lead us into a blessed future.
Hershey's Kisses: The love of family and friends that sweeten our lives.
Mix one cup of each in a large bowl. Scoop into cellophane bags. Print out the saying and attach to each bag. Makes about 6 cups/6 bags worth.