Sometimes the simplest pattern is best - at least, that was my theory on this one. Six-inch squares set on point, nothing special really, but if you imagine a beautiful newborn babe swaddled up in this, then you're talking art, no? Humor me, I was sick when I made this!
Erin doesn't know yet what she is having so I used gender neutral fabrics - at least, I tried. In this day and age, with airport scanners that can tell whether one's been circumsized or not, I can't believe that pregnant mom's everywhere do NOT (want to) find out the sex of their babies before hand! It would drive me nuts! But I say nothing.
I backed the quilt with a very soft flannel, pale green and white stripes - rather yummy I thought. I also made Erin some hooter hiders (nursing covers) and some burp cloths - it kept me from counting how many times I coughed in an hour...(not to worry Erin, I washed everything in HOT water before I packed it up!)
Erin is something of a miracle, and so is her unborn child. If not for the heroic and selfless act of her husband, Brian, neither would be alive today. Maybe you read about Erin and Brian or saw her on The Today Show, when they did a segment called Heros and Angels? Erin spoke about the horrific accident that took her Brian's life, along with two other young men because the 21 year old driver who hit them was high on drugs. A trust fund has been established to help Erin and her baby, you can find out more about it by clicking here.
Have a happy, healthy baby Erin! And know that you can never kiss a baby to much! So give your baby a kiss from me!