Just look at that face - doesn't it just melt your heart? Yes, The Girl is beautiful, too, but Max...oh Max...I miss you so! On this last day of summer I did a bit a sewing for Max, making him some halloween shirts so I can get them in the mail before I leave for ITALY...let me say that again...LEAVE FOR ITALY! One week from today we'll be flying over the Atlantic, I'll be drugged so I won't have to think about the sharks swimming in the waters below and the mister will be sitting, staring straight ahead because that is what he does - he does not read, he does not watch movies, he does not work, he does not play Solitaire - he sits and stares at the seat in front of him. Which, of course, is the real reason I'll be drugged...I'll avoid 9 hours of staring at him (in case he actually does something) staring at the seat.
Max loves pumpkins and all things halloween...I wanted him to have his new shirts by the 1st of October so he'll be prepared for any impromptu visits to the pumpkin patch! I cut off part of a border from a Moda halloween fabric from last year and machine-appliqued it onto a Target shirt - same with the pumpkin, stash fabric machine-appliqued onto a Target T-shirt. He's going to love them!
Target also had some fun halloween socks in their "One-Spot" for a buck - how great is that?!? I LOVE Target! Now to get it all in the mail for Max - so much to do before I LEAVE FOR ITALY!!!
Even though it's probably too late, because I think I bought the last two TURKEY HATS that Target had, you might get lucky and be able to snag yourself some of these priceless Thanksgiving Hats!
The Boy let me photograph him wearing the hats but only after I promised not to show his face or disturb him while he was playing some computer game...so you get to see the hats - which are fabulous - AND his lovely desk! The Boy already has dibbs on the "cooked turkey" hat for our T-Day feast - which leaves the full-body turkey hat for the mister! For $2.50 each I definitely got my money's worth!! They are really going to class up the T-Day Feast, don't you think?