This coming weekend is the big whoop-dee-doo known as Seafair...the Blue Angels fly, the hydroplanes race, the pirates are banished and it never rains....pirates, yes, well, they're part of Seafair and when they're not terrorizing children and small dogs during the various parades, they spend a good bit of their time visiting sick kids at Children's they're not all bad.
Last week when Baby Max was here, along with The Girl and my parents, (they came for the PGA Senior Open at Sahalee) there was talk they would stay until this weekend so Max could watch the Blue Angels and go in search of which case he needed to be appropriately attired...pirates love children who dress like pirates - it's a pirate thing. We went looking for something he could wear but didn't find his I made him a pirate shirt.
Purchased white tee from Old Navy: $6.50
Scraps from my stash: free (Pirate shirt at Common Folk Kids, Bellevue, $26.00)
Baby Max dressed as a pirate: priceless
As it turned out, Baby Max and the gang left yesterday...Max will just have to wear his pirate shirt in Happy Valley where no one will know it's "true meaning".