I finished this top last night, opting to sew on the borders instead of sitting next to the mister while he masterfully operated the TV remote - he was not happy about it either. Twice he came into my workroom, in his green plaid flannel pj's to tell me what I was missing...Seinfeld episodes which he watches in 6-second intervals because he also watches the Military Channel...last night there was something on about...wait for it...it was SO exciting...SUBMARINES!! The mister was almost jolly - they were listing the TOP TEN SUBS of ALL TIME!! And he wanted to share his TV thrill with me...so sweet, no? NO! Because TV whiplash is my least favorite form of torture: Seinfeld/submarines/Seinfeld/submarines/Seinfeld/submarines... So I stayed put in my workroom and finished up this top:
Just like the last diamond quilt I made, this one has a few "waves" ...and I know I swore I would NEVER made another "diamond" quilt but I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it WITH matching seams...whatever - matching-smatching - the only thing I proved is I continue to be a maker of 30 foot quilts...from 30 feet away it looks great! I think the waves will quilt out...that seems to be my new mantra these days!
Burgundy "Love Memento" and "Arabesque Lime" from Amy Butler Fabrics were the inspiration for this quilt - I just fell in love with them and with a little help from my stash I had just enough to make this top. It's happy - and I have just the spot for this quilt!
"Eden is that old-fashioned house we dwell in every day - without suspecting our abode until we drive away." ~ Emily Dickinson