Yes! These won a contest! Place your pinkie to the corner of your mouth and say, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS! These pancakes won first place and deservedly so. Now, before you go congratulating me on this BIG WIN, I must fess up...I didn't win...but I know the person who did - and there's only ONE DEGREE of SEPARATION between she and me so it's kind of like I won...except that she got the money but I get to make and eat her award winning pancakes and every bite made me feel like a it's win/win...
The mister and the boy LOVED these pancakes as much as I did...until I informed the mister that my best friend from forever won $1,000 with friend the beauty queen, TV/radio talk show host, Author, Speaker, Crafter, Gardener, Decorator - you name is, she does it and looks good doing it, too...You'd think I'd be jealous but when I realized that she was totally out of my league, and no amount of money or plastic surgery or education would even get me close to her stratospheric stature, jealousy was not ever an issue - just admiration and the constant prayer to be her in my next life. The mister, who does not understand the Caste System like I do, as no one could ever be better than him, in any way, wanted to know why SHE could win a cooking contest and I could not. And with each bite he wondered it ALOUD! I reminded him of the lovely hot pads I won and the blender and the years supply of dental floss...I reminded him of the trip to New York and the airline tickets I won but he pointed out that I've yet to win actual CA$H. Darn him. Darn him to Heck and back.
The mister was working his way up to not only ruining MY breakfast but HIS...however, it wouldn't have mattered WHAT he said, there's just no way to ruin these pancakes...and besides, it doesn't matter if you enter cooking contests and don't long as you can EAT contest winning food! Am I right or am I right? These decadent, double-chocolate pancakes taste like dessert only you don't have to wait until after dinner to eat get to eat them for breakfast! Hats off to my dear friend Joni for her award winning Double Chocolate Pancakes...start your day off right and whip up a batch of these pancakes - they are worth ruining your diet for.
Double Chocolate Pancakes - From Joni Hilton, Queen of Everything
1 1/2 cups Original Bisquick mix
1/4 cup unsweetened baking cocoa
1 container (8 oz.) sour cream
1/2 cup milk
1 teaspoon strawberry extract or vanilla
2 eggs
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
Whipped cream or frozen (thawed) whipped topping
2 cups sliced fresh strawberries
Strawberry syrup (we were fresh out of strawberry syrup so we used maple and it was great)
In a large bowl, lightly stir Bisquick mix, cocoa, sour cream, milk, extract and eggs (do not over-beat, mixture should be lumpy). Fold in chocolate chips. Heat griddle to 375 degrees or 12-inch skillet over medium-low heat. (To test griddle, sprinkle a few drops of water on it, if bubbles jump around, heat is just right.) Grease griddle with vegetable oil, if necessary, (or spray with cooking spray before heating). For each pancake, use scant 1/4 cup batter; spread batter with rubber spatula to 4 inches in diameter. Cook pancakes until bubbly on top, puffed and dry around edges, about 2 minutes. Turn and cook other side until golden brown, about 1 to 2 minutes longer. Top with whipped cream, strawberries and syrup.