As the mister was going out the door, on his way to Global Headquarters, he asked, "Can't a guy just get a burger for dinner?" He's becoming a bit of a whiner...tired of healthy meals sans dessert and it's only day FOUR! The other night he actually called The Boy and asked him to stop by Dairy Queen on his way home so he could pick him up a banana split - fortunately I overheard, intervened and as I hung up the phone I handed the mister a pair of rolled up socks for him to bite on if he needed to. It was the least I could do.
Take a look at that knife, would you?!! I went to grab it off the counter and it slipped out of my hand and landed like that on the floor...I took that as an omen...I needed to honor the mister's him the respect he deserves, after all, he is head of the house (typing and choking is SO uncomfortable) so he was going to get his burger for perfect VEGGIE BURGER comin' up!
Veggie burgers might not have been on the menu had it not been for my new best friend Chris, who hangs his hat at Nibble Me This. He posted his recipe for veggie burgers just the other day, so when the mister whined about wanting a burger for dinner, the stars aligned and I remembered his post. However, even though I'm a fan of veggie burgers (the mister is not) I didn't know if I could "get past" the green color of the burgers that Nibble Me This had concocted. But, knowing the mister would be spending time with his good friend Jack, so he'd be home after dark and given he's color-blind in one eye, I figured if I kept the lights down low, he'd never notice the color...and I was right. (As I was typing this - a day after the veggie burger meal - the mister walked into the nerve center and saw the pic above and said, "Barf! What's that?!" I informed him it was what he had for dinner last night and he said, "You're kidding me! I thought it was chicken!" My plan had worked perfectly!)
If you think you're not a fan of veggie burgers, go check out Nibble Me This and think again. Chris paired his burger with a pesto mayo...I opted for something a bit more traditional...Swiss cheese, tomatoes, lettuce with a slathering of mayo...and some avocado. Back to the color for a minute...I changed up Chris' recipe a bit...knowing that orange and green make brown, I added some carrots to my version of Chris' recipe - thinking the burgers would be brown and not green. But I would have had to add a vat full of carrots to counter the effect from the spinach. (I also added a few more things so if you want the unadulterated version, use Chris' recipe.) I liked these a lot and so did the mister, even though he didn't know what he was eating! I also used Orowheat Sandwich Thins instead of a regular hamburger bun...less bread, less carbs, which made me feel okay about adding in cheese.
Veggie Burgers ~ Inspired by and Adapted From Chris at Nibble Me This
1 can (15.5 oz.) garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained well
1/4 of a large white onion
1 cup carrots, roughly chopped or use baby carrots
2 cups firmly packed fresh spinach
1/4 cup firmly packed fresh basil
2 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 clove garlic, minced
1 1/2 cups garlic seasoned whole wheat bread crumbs
olive oil
8 Swiss cheese slices
8 Romaine lettuce leaves
16 thinly sliced tomatoes
avocado slices, optional
8 Orowheat Sandwich Thins or hamburger buns
butter for toasting buns
mayonnaise for spreading on buns
Heat oven to 250 degrees. In the bowl of a food processor add the garbanzo beans, onion, carrots, spinach, basil, eggs, salt, pepper and garlic. Process until smooth. Remove to a large bowl and fold in the bread crumbs. Shape into 8 patties, the size of the buns you'll be using, as veggie burgers don't shrink like hamburger does. Heat a cast iron skillet with about a teaspoon of olive oil until it's hot, add the burgers and cook, about 5 minutes on each side. Remove to an oven proof plate and top with Swiss cheese. Put in the oven for 5 to 6 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly and melted evenly. Butter your buns (just the ones you're going to eat) and toast either using the same cast iron skillet. Assemble the burgers by spreading mayonnaise onto the buns, adding the lettuce, tomatoes, and the cheese-topped veggie burger. Makes 8 burgers. These freeze well, just cook and let cool before freezing. To reheat, allow to thaw and then warm in the microwave.
"I get up every morning planning to change the world and to have one hell of a good time, sometimes this makes planning my day a bit difficult." ~ E. B. White