The Other Aussie is not a sewer - nor a quilter - but when we said we were going to get together and make the same quilt for ourselves, she wanted in on the fun. The Other Aussie knows how to sew though, taught by her mother who could sew gossamer wings out of the trash those idiots on Project Runway make. But because her mother is such a master with needle and thread - she never wanted to least that's my theory...and I'm sure if she ended up on Frasier Crane's couch he would agree with me. Speaking of shrink's sofas...the boy saw the good doctor this week...he now fondly refers to her as his "Golf Therapist." He is playing in another golf tournament tomorrow and decided he would do what the pros do and consult a therapist to help him with his game...the good doctor was happy to oblige, seeing as he had insurance and all! I'm not sure how she "therapized" him but he said he is CERTAIN he will win tomorrow! (I believe that's wind-talker code for SHE will be blamed if he CHOKES!) Wow, am I off topic! So the Other Aussie...she made a quilt - borrowed a sewing machine and worked along with us, up to a point. We had to cajole and prod her to come and finish the quilt - and to her credit, she did...and she even pieced the back!
Getting her quilt quilted was a whole 'nuther matter...she was going to send it off to be done, but since it was her birthday, I decided I would quilt it for her...hoping she would like my big all-over stipple.
And she loved it...she's SO easy to please! I sewed on the binding for her but left it for her to sew down...if I was a REALLY GREAT friend I would have finished it up for her...but whatever, I'll settle for being a good friend. Happy Birthday to the Other Aussie!