While the East coast is shoveling out from blizzards, ice and cold we are having the winter of dreams! It was SO nice yesterday - sunny, blue skies with a high of 64 degrees...in FEBRUARY...that I decided to slack off and go with the boy to watch him play golf. He played Druids Glen - a beautiful course out in the middle of nowhere - it was quiet and peaceful and couldn't have been more scenic...and he played GREAT! That kid can really hit the ball - I was so proud...the two guys who played with him were very kind and didn't show any irritation whatsoever when I clapped or let out a whoop when the boy would hit a perfect shot...however, I'm sure my presence was one of the reasons they restrained themselves and shouted things like, "Sonovaaaaa" or "Motherrrrrrrrr" or my favorite was the guy who kept saying, "JeeeeeesLouiseAlmighty"...golfers have such a way with words...
Walking the course was a treat - there were great views of Mt. Rainier - click on the 2nd pic from right to enlarge it and you'll see what I mean...usually we DON'T see Mt. Rainier this time of year...it's shrouded in clouds...so walking the course with that mountain constantly in our sights was really something...and all was going swimmingly well until we came to the hills mountains...one guy had a cart and asked if I wanted a ride - I was tempted but in between gasps I told him I was good and to go ahead...then immediately regretted it...but I made it - all 7,000 yards which I think is about 25 miles because that's what it felt like!
The boy was always concerned with the hazards on the course...the sand traps, the lakes, the narrow fairways...however, as the peanut gallery I was mostly concerned with the other hazard...deer poop! It was everywhere!! At first I thought they just had really LARGE rabbits but then the giant hoofs marks set me straight...we didn't see any deer/elk which are supposed to be a common sight but we could have easily found them by following their poop!
Back home I hobbled around the estate to see flowers in bloom, a new head of hair/moss on my statue, and roses sprouting new leaves...it's FEBRUARY folks!!! FEBRUARY!!! If my feet hadn't been soaking wet and throbbing from newly formed blisters I might have grabbed a rake and tried my hand at manual labor...fortunately I came to my senses.
The Saturday before Valentine's Day the mister and I popped into the store...he saw the throngs of husbands buying flowers for their Valentine's...and he said, "Do you have any flowers at home?" Yeah, I live at FTD headquarters! I shook my head no and he said, "While I grab my prescriptions why don't you go grab yourself some flowers" I bit my tongue and choked back my first thought...and then I said, "Why thank you honey!" And he swelled up like he'd just won the Mr. Romance Award...so while standing in a line of all men waiting for my turn to purchase flowers for myself...I grabbed some chocolates and a few other items that I just KNEW the mister would want me to have...and when the cashier asked if I wanted cash back, well, I politely said yes...it would have been rude to say no, no?