Thanks to my new friend Cathleen for melting my brain freeze - I should have thought of this before on my own but you know me, one new thought per day is all I can handle. Cath asked about the circle quilts I've shown here - there have been dozens of pictures that I've posted from my quilt group. The circle quilt is quite like Swine Flu - it's viral - and once you start making them you just can't stop! You'll need a Christmas circle quilt, a Halloween circle quilt, an Autumn Circle Quilt and one for the 4th of July - just for starters! They also make the fastest and best baby quilts around.
Now, for the BEST tutorial on how to make these incredibly easy quilts, please click HERE. You'll be whisked away to Make It A Wonderful Life, my friend Stephanie's blog, and you will not only find the tutorial but many other wonderful things! Stephanie gives step by step instructions and also has awesome pics for you to follow - and she's a whiz-bang at circle quilts! So go - spend some time and look around - you'll thank me!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME...I'M THIRTY-NINE AGAIN! Thanks for all your well-wishes, gifts and cash donations for the inevitable face-lift in my future...what? You haven't sent your gift yet? Fear not, there is nothing better than getting a birthday gift AFTER the actual it's not too late! (Shameless of me, I know, humble apologies all around!)