Call it what you want - just know that it's good. It is a rather "interesting" color so it's best not to dwell too long on that! Just serve it up and drink it - it'll leave you howling for more!
Witch's Brew - Pots and Pins
1 quart apple cider
1 quart Diet 7-UP
1 quart lime sherbet
1/2 can (12 oz.) frozen limeade
2 cups water
Pour all in a large pitcher or container, mix well, breaking up the sherbet. Serve cold over ice cubes.
Turn any large glass jar into a Halloween decoration by cutting shapes out of craft foam and gluing on!
Get into the spirit before you become one. Feel free to quote me.
One year ago today: Roasted Potato Spears, Italian Style
Two years ago today: Deadman Meatloaf Over Worms - My Emeril-Show-Winning-Entry-Only-Claim-To-Fame!