I mentioned this project briefly the other day in a post but after thinking more about it I realized that I needed to tell you more...so you can get a warm, fuzzy feeling inside just like I did. This is a project about helping women who like to make things - the only difference between them and us is they live in Iraq. There's this Army guy, Mr. Iraqi-Bundle-Of-Love, who started this project because he comes from a long line of quilting women...and because his heart must be the size of Mt. Rushmore. He is currently in Iraq and he and his troops will personally pass out all of the bundles they receive - but they must be mailed before SEPTEMBER 7TH, 2009. So time is short - dig into your stash and your hearts and send whatever fabric you have that you will NEVER use, because someone over there will. They are also looking for yarn and all kinds of sewing notions.
Go to Iraq-Bundles-of-Love and read the particulars...then leave a comment and you will be emailed the address of where to mail your bundle. They are having you leave a comment so they can keep track of what is coming and be prepared...now isn't that just like an Army guy? Always prepared! You'll need a LARGE FLAT RATE POSTAGE BOX from the Post Office - and you'll send your bundle to a US address so this will only cost $11.95...and think about all the love/joy/happiness your bundle will bring for just a measly $11.95!! And anyone can do this - even if you don't quilt or sew...maybe your grandma has some yarn she's been hoarding...or your Aunt Till?? Go, search, find, pack and send...you'll be so happy you did.
Here's the link again: Iraqi Bundles of Love Go now...do it! It's only WORLD PEACE that's at stake!!!