I was waiting to post some pictures because the ones I took all turned out badly and I was hoping someone would send me pictures they had...but since they didn't and I know you just can't wait a minute longer - here are some of the "better" pics I have...there was something on the camera lens, but I didn't have my glasses with me so I didn't notice it until I uploaded them!
The quilt on the right, above, is "The Last Quilt"...it will be the last American Hero Quilt Sue takes to Madigan Army Hospital - for the last returning injured veteran. It's so beautiful in person - truly a work of art.
We were very limited on space at the Grange, so we draped quilts whereever we could - we had 110 quilts at our show and Sue brought 52 American Hero Quilts...if my math is correct that's 162 quilts!
I'm SO sorry these pictures didn't turn out better!! Those are REAL US Marines holding those quilts!! Taylor on the left is a 4th generation Marine! Sergy on the right is from St. Petersburg, Russia and has only been in the US for 10 years! They were so darling (and dashing!) and we were so proud to have them there to help. (I did invite the Army and Navy, too, and they said they would send people but they didn't show...but you can always trust the Marines! HoooRah!) The Marines picked up each folded quilt and unfolded it like they were unfolding a flag - it was very respectful and almost reverant - and certainly priceless! I hope and pray that those two Marines will never be the recipients of an American Hero Quilt.
"To be wrapped in a quilt is to be wrapped in love." ~ Unknown
One year ago today: Dolls For Grandma